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bus boy 餐廳助手
2011/10/20 10:45:02瀏覽477|回應0|推薦0
bus boy ph. 片語 【美】餐廳的幫手 (點我聽發音)


我們知道bell boy是幫助開門,推行李的服務生,那麼bus boy是指什麼人呢?它和bus有關係嗎?

其實,bus boy和bus一點關系也沒有,Busboy或者bus boy是餐廳侍者(waiter and waitress)的助手,負責清理餐桌上的髒盤子的,可以稱作勤雜工,打雜的,其在餐廳的組織機構圖上的位置絕對在侍者之下。

但要記得沒有Bus Girl這樣的說法的,不過你可以說bus person。

所以,如果有人說I'll call the bus boy to take care of it.,可千萬不要以為他要聯絡公車交通公司,否則有很糗的!!


Please take a close look at below analysis by Kenneth G. Wilson 


The motor vehicle for carrying passengers is spelled bus; its plural is eitherbuses or busses, both Standard. The verb bus, meaning “to transport by bus,” developed quite regularly through functional shift. It met some opposition at first, primarily because it was new, but the movement toward racial equality in education in the sixties brought it into widespread use, and it is now Standard:The board decided to bus the children to the suburban schools. Its participles are both spelled either way: bused, bussed; busing, bussing. The other noun, meaning “kiss,” is always spelled buss, and the plural and the third person singular of that verb are spelled busses. This word, both noun and verb, is Standard but perhaps now either arch or old-fashioned.

bus boy or busboy assists the waiter or waitress in a restaurant; he clears dishes (he buses or busses them), and all of his duties come under the heading of busing or bussing. The origin of this Americanism is uncertain. It is almost certainly from a clipping of omnibus, but whether because busing involves pushing a cart (a bus) full of dirty dishes or clearing everything (food, dishes, silver, glassware, and crumbs—a regular omnibus of items) from the table is unknown. There is no bus girl, but some speakers are beginning to use bus person.

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