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2011/08/30 14:11:45瀏覽491|回應0|推薦0 | |
What makes you worry and why? Almost 60% of parents in a UK survey in 2009 said that they were worried that their children were spending too much time playing computer games and watching television. 在2009年的調查顯示,英國有近60%的家長擔心他們的孩子花太多時間玩電腦和看電視。 在影片中,有人提到:↓↓ Students discussed being worried about trying to find jobs when they finish university. 大學生們擔心的是畢業後要找工作。 They think they will have to be really special to get a job – really outstanding. 他們認為必須找到一個工作相當重要。 Another man said he is a natural worrier – he worries even about irrational things, small things that don’t really matter. 另一個先生說,他是一個杞人憂天者,他總是擔心別人不在意的小事。 |
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