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讀孫子兵法學英文/息事寧人(forgive and forget)
2011/08/11 17:35:40瀏覽316|回應0|推薦0

息事寧人 forgive and forget

古希臘史記載:柯西拉(雅典盟邦)與祖國柯林斯(斯巴達盟邦)關係惡劣,原因是柯林斯宗教慶典上,其他家邦代表善頌善禱,柯西拉卻出言不遜(dissing someone),柯林斯大失面子(being dissed),因此種下禍根(an apple of discord),從此彼此互視為眼中釘(thorn in someone's side)。

適逢獨立小邦埃比達姆諾斯內戰,柯西拉以事不關己置身事外(wait and see when the dust settles),拒絕其中一派請求奪權;柯林斯卻全力支援,想藉機拉進同盟,柯西拉聞訊震怒,斯巴達和雅典因此也被捲入。所以整個伯羅奔尼撒大戰,竟起因於不見經傳小國的內戰。

希臘史家修昔底德在《伯羅奔尼撒戰史》中,詳細記錄了兩柯之間的仇隙(blood feud),並解釋其中原委:因為雙方感受到(be at/on the receiving end)對方的輕視和不尊重,又不能以息事寧人(forgive and forget)態度,提出化解之道,達成和睦(brotherly)關係。


例:"There's a danger to your teeth if you dissed the wrong guy."


"The Corcyraeans got dissed by the Corinthians' decision to get involved the civil war."


"This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the two countries."


“They see each other as a thorn in their side, and one tries to get rid of the other.”


"Uncle Sam once adopted a policy of 'wait and see when the dust settles' about the future of Taiwan in the late 1940s"


"The long-standing blood-feud between them has no chance to be reduced."


"People in Taiwan have been on the receiving end of unfair diplomatic treatment and to say their lives are made pretty unbearable would be an understatement."


"Olympic competition is wonderful to watch because you see the most different and talented people in the world who all share the same brotherly respect even if they lose."


"We find it hard to forgive and forget especially when someone thinks us lowly."


(作者任教陸軍官校)【2011/08/05 經濟日報】

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