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舅舅的馬 王克難 Claire Wang-Lee (中英文)
2020/09/02 01:13:30瀏覽542|回應0|推薦1










在烏魯木齊看了野馬集團的野馬生態園雖然未能見到 "撒馬天下"的園主陳志峰,但看到了他的汗血寶馬,剛得世界大獎的小公馬 "拉米亞", 被牽著在馬場上運動,小小年紀,如此英姿.

在陳志峰攝影的油畫展中,我看到了他鏡頭裏新疆的靈魂,我似乎也看到我在南京高大的馬上,抱緊舅舅的腰,出生時被舅舅救了命的小姪女舅舅,我崇拜的 "新疆英雄.

26,我們去天山峽谷,谷中有天鵝湖、濕地、 滿山的靑松、積雪未化的草原,草原上有騎馬的.從第一天到新疆,我就找機會騎馬,上次跟女兒在阿爾泰和哈納斯,天天都騎馬的.




My Uncles Horse


When my mother gave birth to me, it was a difficult birth. The Sino-Japanese War had just started. My mother was admitted to a missionary hospital almost unconscious.

Surgery must be performed right away and someone must sign the agreement. My grandfather was away from home. The only persons conscious were my grandmother and my fourteen-year-old uncle. A womans signature did not count in China during those times, so my under-age uncle bravely signed the paper and saved the life of my mother and me.

Before I was two months old, my mother took my sister and me and ran away from the Japanese bombing. My teen-age uncle ran away to Xiangjiangthe west most region of China and enlisted himself as a soldier. 

When I saw my uncle again, he had become a handsome officer in the air force. He had married my aunt, a beautiful White Russian young woman and had a two-year old son. My uncle flew his family in a plane from Xinjiang to Nanjing.

My uncle stayed with my mothers rich, widowed cousin in Nanjing. He held parties in the grand mansion and took us children who were poor growing up during the war to the parties to enjoy his and his wifes version of "good life."

My aunt loved dancing and taught my sister how to dance.

My uncle loved horses and took me with him horseback-riding. He told me many stories of the faraway Xinjiang, how he won my aunts hand by defeating all the competing Cossack youth and caught a ram single-handedly.

The reunion of my uncle and us was a happy but short one. in Civil War broke out in full scale. In 1949 my parents took us children and left for Taiwan. My uncle took his family and my grandmother to Shanghai. Later he was forced to divorce his wife. My aunt took their children to Russia. My uncle was sent to a camp in Tang Gu La Mountain in Qinghai, the worst labor camp in whole China because he had criticized Chairman Mao.

I wasnt able to see my uncle since. 

In 1999, I learned that my uncle had died. My younger daughter and I backpacked in Xinjiang to look for places my uncle had been.

In May 2014, I joined the group of fifteen Los Angles Writers Association to visit Beijing and Xinjiang.

Our first Xinjiang stop was Urumuqi. The city was busier than I was there fifteen years ago.

We visited the Wild Horse Preserve and Museum in Urumuqi. The owner, Mr. Chen Zhi Feng, collected asteroids and mummified poplars from all over Xinjiang and exhibited them in his Mini Wild-life Reserve in the city.

He also raised prize-winning Akhai Teke horses in his reserve. One colt which had just won an international grand prize had been just flown from Beijing. It was doing its daily exercised on the track when we visited. The colt already walked in such a royal gait. Imagine it a grown-up stallion!

From Mr. Chens photography exhibited in his art museum, I seemed to see the soul of Xinjiang, seeing through his lens. I seemed to see myself riding on the big horse in Nanjing, holding on tight to my uncles waist from behind. Me, his favorite little niece who owed her life to him. And my uncle, a "Xinjiang" hero I worshipped.

On May 26th we went to Tian Mountain Valley near Urumuqi.

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