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Justin 學校生活 (103)
2011/05/21 09:09:21瀏覽1119|回應17|推薦72

註一 :

NCEA : 紐西蘭升大學的學測. 分三年 (11, 12, 13 年級) 三個等級 ( Level 1,2,3).

註二 :

我因為在A班 (類似台灣的升學班), 所以現在雖然我才10年級, 可是我們班已經在上11年級的課程. 今年也開始考 NCEA.



-- 這個星期學校舉行 NCEA 的模擬考.   


這是我到目前為止, 最吃力, 而且最沒有把握的一科.    

這次歷史考試, 分二題.   (當然, 題目永遠是一篇長到讀不完的文章) 要我們寫兩篇 essay, 每篇至少 400個字, 針對第一次世界大戰的兩個重要歷史事件, 自訂標題, 整理, 規納, 分析, 並寫出自己的看法.


-- 歷史成績發下來了.   我二題都只拿到 Achieved. (NCEA 成績分四個等級 : Excellence,  Merit,  Achieved,  Not achieved)


-- 班上同學 Tom, 常鬧事, 上課話很多, 常頂嘴.   

這次的歷史考試, 他是唯一拿到 Excellence 的人.    我自己, 除了語言的問題, 我清楚知道自己沒有這方面的 nature talent.


-- 老媽開始告訴我要 "勤能補拙".   

我卻認為花雙倍的時間, 去背單字, 讀書, 是"愚公移山"的笨方法, 也不一定能補我歷史方面的拙.

昨天, 是老媽陪我讀中文的時間. (國中第四冊第十課 : 三國演義 - 空城計).

孔明以 2500 的兵力, 智退司馬毅 150,000 的大軍.

我和我的 Kiwi 同學, 英文實力 ..... 應該沒有這麼大的差距... 


-- 老爸解決問題喜歡兜圈子, 但我想, 我有抓到他的重點 -- "欲善其事, 先利其器". 

我也清楚 -- 電腦除了玩 Game, 是讀書的好工具.

只是, 把電腦當玩具或當工具的時間分配

就像我和老爸的年齡 ..... 永遠有一段差距.  


-- 除了歷史, 目前我其他各科都在平均之上.   

前幾天的歷史課, 我因事耽擱最慢進教室, 只能坐在講台前老師正前方的位子.   同學們忙著寫作業時, Mr. Howard 好奇地和我這班上唯一的亞洲學生聊起我的選修課程.   他認為我放棄容易拿高分的 ESOL, 外語 (中文)很可惜.

這位金髮藍眼的"夫子"認為 -- 學習善用策略, 比死讀書重要.





( 知識學習考試升學 )
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Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
To achieve is to write new history
2011/06/12 20:45
History (according to Weber): a crystal ball forecast that human will continue to screw up regardless of excellent grades or whatsoever.

History (for achievers): rather screw up and pay the due earlier than later!
賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-06-13 15:36 回覆:
History is important because, what we do in our future, people from hundreds and thousands of years in the future will be looking back at what we do now, as History. So history is important not only because it's a school subject, it's also important because everything will become history, whether we like it or not, so in order to learn "everything", we have to learn History.

Good Luck!
2011/06/11 04:14
I was really bad in history too. I am pretty well-read but quite absent-minded.  I used to have an American History professor who gave us a stack of books to read with no textbooks as reference. So what I did was draw a timetable and put the most crucial information in it.  Once I had the big picture of what's going on, it became easier to work on the minor details.  Good luck, kido!
賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-06-13 15:28 回覆:

Thanks for the advice

But I think that's also one of the harder things with History, to find the "most crucial information", I guess it all depends on what answers the "Focusing Question" given. For example, I'm doing a History assignment at the moment, and I have done all the research and have my information, but we have to highlight parts of the text that answers the focusing question, like, What lead to this even, or How did it effect the lives of people from when the event happened til today. Looking through my information, not easy...

 I'm thinking... I'm thinking...

捕光捉影 ♪ 答案揭曉
Dear Justin,
2011/06/04 15:46
Here is an essay posted by 隨寫人老師, which may inspire you in one way or another in preparing for your history exams:


賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-06-07 15:07 回覆:




每一個學子, 如果都能像他一樣

找到動力, 再加以毅力持續




賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-06-08 17:00 回覆:

Thanks for sharing that with me.

I think I've learned abit on studying techniques

Next time I have exams, I'll put some of those "techniques" in action.

2011/05/26 06:30
賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-05-26 14:26 回覆:
Thanks! I'll wrok towards it.

2011/05/25 23:22
"只是, 把電腦當玩具或當工具的時間分配, 就像我和老爸的年齡 ..... 永遠有一段差距.” Haha, Clever! (in fact more than “clever”)

If I can offer an advice… Justin, try to find “fun” in the midst of all these learning, exams, and interactions with others. Just try the best that your “heart” will allow you to, and be happy with whatever comes out of it. As for your English skills, try not to be too concerned… you will one day be better (in fact a lot better) than most of your kiwi friends (you may find it hard to believe, but, mark my word, it’s true!).
賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-05-26 15:25 回覆:

Finding "Fun" in exams, isn't so easy, but in the end, it stills has to be done, so I should just try to enjoy it! The outcomes of the exam, I may not be too happy about it, but at least it wasn't not achieved, so I should be happy about it!

My English skills being better than Kiwis one day, do seem pretty impossible now, but maybe one day, it will be!

2011/05/24 14:01
賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-05-24 17:22 回覆:
雖然我也知道基本功很重要, 只不過知道楓之谷可以下載外掛, 自動練功升等, 就會懶得乖乖蹲馬步 搞怪(咧咧)

2011/05/23 14:12
Justin會觀察 省思 歸納比較 就知是一個懂事會作學問的聰明學生!
賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-05-24 17:17 回覆:

Thank you, I will continue to work at it 點頭(嗯、好、是)

2011/05/23 03:59

集中加強火力提升強項  讓它更突顯 可能是比較好一點

必竟每一個人都有不同的天賦  也有不同的弱點

加油啦  你還有機會

不過還好紐西蘭的歷史不像中國  那麼長

而在國外學的歷史課  是很活的  不是死背

所以很多人學完了  反而還會記得一些

賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-05-24 17:14 回覆:

My tennis coach once asked me "Would you rather be the Jack of all tools, or be the master of one thing?"

I think it's more important to be master of one thing, but sometimes, some tools are still needed.

Apple *
2011/05/22 19:53

"針對第一次世界大戰的兩個重要歷史事件, 自訂標題, 整理, 規(should be歸 )納, 分析, 並寫出自己的看法..."

將來不論在哪個行業, 常需要寫project proposal.  上面這個步驟不是只用在歷史方面,也不只是英文寫作. 主要是一種discipline來表現一個人的思考, 了解, 分析, 演繹, 想像和表達能力, etc. (It is a way to show one's thinking path, extent of understanding, analyzing/deriving ability, imagination and capability of expressing ideas).

Apple上學時不懂; 是工作以後才學到的. Justin加油.

賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-05-24 17:07 回覆:
My understanding to the writing of an essay is still brief, extent of understanding and analyzing/deriving ability etc. is still minimum at best, hopefully through out my schooling years, I will have a better understanding of the structure of an essay, to prepare myself in the future.

2011/05/22 19:05

~ Justin,你的歷史這樣考出來,已經比我當年幾乎因歷史而慘敗的經驗要強太多了。記得我國中的歷史老師走進教室的第一堂課第一句話就說,我念到重要地方,你們要用紅筆劃下來做記號。。。就這樣被抹煞了興趣不說,高中時都覺得看不懂半文言文的歷史課本內容,終於靠別科罩過,勉強過了關,到現在我的歷史常識,無論中外,還是很慘不忍賭的。。。但是,還是希望你不要氣餒,加油,先培養出真正的興趣(如樓下的格友所建議的),以後一定無往不利的啦!!!

賈爸(CHEYNE586096) 於 2011-05-24 16:53 回覆:

Well, maybe one day I'll meet a good history teacher that will help me "develop" my interest in history.

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