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Ya Habibi Taala(來吧!吾愛)
2019/01/06 15:47:35瀏覽523|回應0|推薦0



Ya Habibi Taala(來吧!吾愛)






Asmahan 經典名曲中文歌辭賞析Ya Habibi Taala(來吧!吾愛)






MESTO - Ya Habibi Taala featuring Karima Skalli


Waad Al Bahri - ya habibi ta3ala


Shahd Barmada - Ya Habibi Taala - & (Judges comments)


Amani Swissi -- Ya Habibi Ta3ala














Asmahan – 來吧!吾愛























Hanine is a young Lebanese singer with a warm and beautiful oriental voice, her complete name is Hanine Abou Chakra, she is the sister of the Lebanese actor BADIH ABOU CHACRA. Hanine is graduated from Law school, and studying in the "National Conservatoire of Lebanon".
In 2001, Hanine launched her first album Arabo Cuban
produced by Michel Elefteriades who has his special touch in oriental music.
the international production company “Warner” distributed the album all over the world. It was a fusion of two different music styles: classical light Arab songs, on Cuban music and percussions by a typical Cuban band. It was named:Hanine Y Son Cubano. The video clip of Albi we moftaho was broadcasted in many channels, it was very special and totally different from all video clips of the season which made the audience know Hanine and get her album to discover her art.
Hanine in this album presented short classical masterpieces of the greatest Arab artists such as Mohamed Abdelwahab, Asmahan, Farid El Atrash and Sayid Darwish. After the huge success of this CD; Hanine was invited to participate in many Music festivals in different countries, and did great live performances with the Cuban band.

Hanine kept the fusion of arab songs with Cuban background music, and launched her second album in 2004 10908 km (which is the distance between Beirut and Havana). This album had a “salsa” spirit, with a special song for Hanine named balady and amazing classical Lebanese & Egyptian songs such as Lama a tariq el ayn, Shaghaloony wi shaghalo el nom men ainy, zoroony kul sana marra… Balady video clip was filmed in Cuba during "Hanine y Son Cubano" successfull concerts in Havana
Best wishes to Hanine for her up coming projects.





Hanine是一位年輕的黎巴嫩歌手,擁有溫暖而美麗的東方聲音,她的名字叫Hanine Abou Chakra,她是黎巴嫩演員BADIH ABOU CHACRA的妹妹。 Hanine畢業於法學院,並在黎巴嫩國家音樂學院就讀。
年,Hanine推出了她的第一張專輯Arabo Cuban
Michel Elefteriades製作,他對東方音樂有著特殊的觸覺。
國際製作公司華納在全球發行了這張專輯。 它融合了兩種不同的音樂風格:古典輕型阿拉伯歌曲,古巴音樂和典型古巴樂隊的打擊樂。 它被命名為: Hanine Y Son Cubano 我們moftaho的視頻剪輯在很多頻道播出,非常特別,完全不同於本季的所有視頻剪輯,讓觀眾了解Hanine並在她的專輯中發現她的藝術。
在這張專輯中展示了最偉大的阿拉伯藝術家的古典傑作,如Mohamed AbdelwahabAsmahanFarid El AtrashSayid Darwish 這張CD取得巨大成功後; Hanine受邀參加了不同國家的許多音樂節,並與古巴樂隊進行了精彩的現場表演。

Hanine將阿拉伯歌曲與古巴背景音樂融為一體,並於2004年推出了她的第二張專輯10908 km(這是貝魯特和哈瓦那之間的距離)。 這張專輯有一首“salsa”精神,為Hanine創作了一首名為balady的特別歌曲和令人驚嘆的古典黎巴嫩和埃及歌曲,如Lama a tariq el aynShaghaloony wi shaghalo el nom men ainyzoroony kul sana marra ... Balady視頻剪輯被拍攝在古巴期間,在哈瓦那舉行的“Hanine y Son Cubano”成功舉辦音樂會














Hanine Y Son Cubano

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia維基百科,自由的百科全書



Hanine Y Son Cubano[1] is a music group formed in 1999 that merges Cuban music and Arabic music .Hanine Y Son Cubano [1]是一個成立於1999年的音樂團體,融合了古巴音樂阿拉伯音樂

It was in the early 1990s, when he lived in Havana , that Greek - Lebanese music novelty-wiz and avant-garde producer, composer and arranger Michel Elefteriades came up with the groundbreaking music concept that led, a few years later in 1999, to the formation of Hanine Y Son Cubano, the now seminal Arabo-Cuban music genre. 20世紀90年代初,當他居住在哈瓦那時 希臘 - 黎巴嫩音樂新奇 - 巫師和前衛製作人,作曲家和編曲家Michel Elefteriades提出了突破性的音樂概念,幾年後在1999年, Hanine Y Son Cubano的形成,現在是開創性的Arabo-Cuban音樂流派。


It was while he was sitting in a cafe in Havana, surrounded by Afro-Cuban sounds, that Elefteriades began singing a classic of the Arabic music, "Ya Habibi ta ala" of the Arab diva Asmahan[2] .就在他坐在哈瓦那的一家咖啡館裡,被非洲古巴人的聲音包圍著,Elefteriades開始唱阿拉伯音樂的經典之作,阿拉伯歌劇阿瑪“Ya Habibi ta ala” [2] The idea of a fusion of Cuban and Arabic music genres came instantly to his mind.古巴和阿拉伯音樂流派融合的想法立即浮現在他的腦海中。


Michel Elefteriades spent two years trying to achieve this project. Michel Elefteriades花了兩年時間試圖實現這個項目。 He selected seven of the best Cuban musicians, he chose the legendary vocalist Marcelino Linares, who died in 2000, two days before launching the concept.他選擇了七位最優秀的古巴音樂家,他選擇了傳奇主唱Marcelino Linares,他於2000年去世,兩天前就推出了這一概念。 He auditioned hundreds of singers before choosing Hanine Abu Chakra, young singer from Lebanon who was comfortable singing classic Arabic music and had just finished her last year at the Conservatoire .在選擇了來自黎巴嫩的年輕歌手Hanine Abu Chakra之前,他試聽了數百名歌手,她很舒服地演唱經典的阿拉伯音樂,去年剛剛在音樂學院完成了她的演出。 The project experienced a dazzling success.該項目取得了令人眼花繚亂的成功。 The Arabo-Cuban music was born. Arabo-Cuban音樂誕生了。

The bands fulgurating success story gave birth to a few best-selling albums, namely "Arabo-Cuban" [3] distributed worldwide by international production company “Warner”, "10908 km" [4] , which have become referential in the realm of World Music and "The Festivals Album: Baalbeck & Beiteddine" [5] .樂隊的成功故事催生了一些暢銷專輯,即“Arabo-Cuban” [3] ,由國際製作公司“Warner”“10908 km” [4]在全球發行 ,這些專輯已成為參考。 世界音樂節日專輯:BaalbeckBeiteddine” [5]


Arabo-Cuban (2002) includes pieces from Mohammed Abdel Wahab , Abdel Halim Hafez , Farid El Atrache , Fairouz and Asmahan rearranged in salsa , Bolero and cha-cha-chaArabo-Cuban 2002)包括Mohammed Abdel Wahab Abdel Halim Hafez Farid El Atrache FairouzAsmahan莎莎 Bolerocha-cha-cha重新安排的作品......

Arabo-Cuban was number one in Lebanon for a year, and has met with a similar success in the Middle East and other Mediterranean countries.Arabo-Cuban在黎巴嫩排名第一,並在中東和其他地中海國家取得了類似的成功。

1.  La llave - “Albi W Mouftahou” La llave - “Albi W Mouftahou”

2.  Afro blue/Zum Zum - “Ana Wel Azab We Hawak” Afro blue / Zum Zum - “Ana Wel Azab We Hawak”

3.  Cuando - “Emta Ha Taaraf” Cuando - “Emta Ha Taaraf”

4.  El mambo de los recuerdos - “Aala Bali” El mambo de los recuerdos - “Aala Bali”

5.  El huerfanito - “Ya Habibi Taala” El huerfanito - “Ya Habibi Taala”

6.  El gallo - “El Helwa Dih” El gallo - “El Helwa Dih”

7.  La flor - “Ya Zahratan Fi Khayali” La flor - “Ya Zahratan Fi Khayali”

8.  El dia feliz - “Kan Agmal Yom” El dia feliz - “Kan Agmal Yom”

9.  Descarga Arabo-cubana Descarga Arabo-cubana

10.     Pot Pourri Pot Pourri

11.     El mambo de los recuerdos “Aala Bali” (remixed by Michel Eléftériadès) El mambo de los recuerdos“Aala Bali”(由MichelEléftériadès混音)

12.     Presentations : Hanine, Marcelino Linares, Michel Elefteriades演講:HanineMarcelino LinaresMichel Elefteriades

13.     Bonus : phrase "Ya se me acabo el repertorio" + rires獎金:短語“Ya se me acabo el repertorio”+ rires

  • 10908 km (distance as the crow flies from Beirut to Havana)10908公里 (烏鴉從貝魯特飛往哈瓦那的距離)

1.  Baladi (salsa salsita) [6]巴拉迪(salsa salsita[6]

2.  Zourouni (visita me) Zourouni(訪問我)

3.  Lama aa tarik el ein (la fuente) Lama aa tarik el einla fuente

4.  Chaghalouni (ojos del alma) Chaghalouni(奧霍斯德爾阿爾瑪)

5.  Zehani (soledad) Zehani(索萊達)

6.  Bhebak w menak khaifi (no llores) Bhebak w menak khaifi(沒有llores

7.  Imlali (llena me la copa) Imlalillena me la copa

8.  Arabo-Cuban improvisation Arabo-Cuban即興創作

1.  Rosana羅薩娜

2.  Huwwara Huwwara

3.  Dalouna Dalouna

4.  Ghzayyil Ghzayyil

5.  Rahou [7]拉烏[7]

6.  Tutti Frutti Tutti Frutti

7.  Lama Aa Tarik El Ein喇嘛Aa Tarik El Ein

8.  Naeeli Ahla Zahra Naeeli Ahla Zahra

9.  Salsa Salsita莎莎莎莎麗塔

10.     Ya Lalah雅拉拉

11.     Aala Nari Aala Nari

12.     Rjeena Rjeena

13.     Pot Pourri Pot Pourri

References[edit]參考文獻 [ 編輯 ]

1.  ^"Hanine Y son Cubano" .^ “Hanine Y son Cubano”

2.  ^يا حبيبي تعال الحقني .^ ياحبيبيتعالالحقني YouTube .YouTube

3.  ^"Arabo-Cuban Album" .^ “Arabo-Cuban專輯

4.  ^"10908 km Album" .^ “10908 km專輯

5.  ^"The Festivals Album" .^ 節日專輯

6.  ^Beirut Havana .^ 貝魯特哈瓦那 YouTube .YouTube

7.    ^Rahou .^ Rahou YouTube .YouTube





























好一個『Hanine,是一位年輕的黎巴嫩歌手,擁有溫暖而美麗的東方聲音,她的名字叫Hanine Abou Chakra




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