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何謂善護念? What Is Taking Good Care Of One's Thoughts?
2017/04/11 21:35:14瀏覽290|回應0|推薦0

學員: 「禪師,請問金剛經講:善護念!護什麼念呢?」 
惠忠禪師: 「善護勿起妄念,勿隨妄念。」 
學員: 「生活中,談生意…教書,…不起妄念?有這回事嗎?」 
禪師: 「生活中,談生意…教書,…是妄念嗎?你的想法大錯特錯。」  
禪師: 「處理事情,計劃行程,需動念,但不是妄念,也不能動妄念,你要分清楚。」


A student asked, " Ven. Zen Master, Hye-Chung, in Diamond Sutra it says 'taking good care of one's thoughts'. What thoughts should we take good care of? 


Hye- Chung: Taking good care of one's thoughts means not to arise wandering thoughts and not to follow them.
Student: Is it possible that we don't arise wandering thoughts in lives such as talking business and teaching? 
Hye-Chung: Are talking business, teaching and the other activities of livelihoods wandering thoughts? You are totally wrong about this.

Hye-Chung: We have to think while dealing with things and planning schedules, but thinking is not wandering thoughts. When we are thinking, we should not have wandering thoughts. You should know their differences. 

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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