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2017/04/11 21:35:14瀏覽276|回應0|推薦0 | |
學員: 「禪師,請問金剛經講:善護念!護什麼念呢?」
A student asked, " Ven. Zen Master, Hye-Chung, in Diamond Sutra it says 'taking good care of one's thoughts'. What thoughts should we take good care of?
Hye- Chung: Taking good care of one's thoughts means not to arise wandering thoughts and not to follow them.
【解脫您的痛苦~延伸閱讀】 【您此生的權利,真相大公開】 因為您的按讚,將使更多人有機會認識祖師禪法,謝謝您!
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |