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被白雪覆蓋的東京街景 (轉自臉書MyModernMet)
2018/03/02 01:09:33瀏覽439|回應0|推薦7





Beautiful Wintry Photos of Tokyo Blanketed in Snow Look Like a Frozen Fairy Tale


Japanese photographer Yuichi Yokota travels the world, capturing the spirit of his surroundings with his camera. But it's these images from his home base of Tokyo, covered in snow, that really caught our eye. Yokota manages to photograph the delicate white flakes floating down to earth, blanketing the city in white powder.


From the temple-filled streets of Asakusa to the bustling crosswalks of Shibuya, his photographs render Tokyo even more magical than it already is. The award-winning travel photographer, especially known for his landscape and nature photography, gives a glimpse of the city in action, people marching on despite the slush underneath their feet. Umbrellas open, they slog across the city, some even braving a bicycle in the icy conditions.


Photography is my passion and I believe I can communicate to a wide audience with my images—without having to say a word,” Yokota writes. “My photos portray my inner feelings and the beautiful experiences I collect from around me.” Indeed, his photographs of Tokyo under the snow pull out a range of emotions as diverse as the city itself. The warm glow of the Senso-Ji Temple in Asakusa invites people in, as though offering comfort and protection, while the frigid cement Shinjuku train station cuts an imposing figure, as though warning people to brave the icy streets as their own peril.

Award-winning travel photographer Yuichi Yokota has captured incredible photographs of his home base of Tokyo under the snow.



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