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婉君: 請按步驟1.點擊進入靈命日糧連結 1.《網路廣播平台》英文請點擊《odb.org》,Our Daily Bread, 選日期中文請點擊《Traditional-odb.org》,靈命日糧點推薦連結9, 或連結 11Google播客點播放2.讀經英文讀經,點Todays Scripture: Jonah 2:1-10中文讀經,點今日經文: 約拿書2章1-10節3. 收聽英文點Download MP3,中文點下載語音檔案,跟著朗讀。建議用耳機幫助專心效果比較好4.英文經文廣播:https://www.biblegateway.com/ 5.如欲參考、或收聽其他經文廣播,在經文視窗Biblegateway.com 請點Bible Book List,在Bible Book List點您想要的舊約、新約聖經 6. 單字: google.com翻譯、發音、作筆記;點推薦連結10 Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 6-81 Timothy 5 逃避上帝[我]從陰間的深處呼求,祢就俯聽我的聲音。—約拿書2章2節 朱莉和麗茲划著獨木舟,在美國加州的海域尋找座頭鯨。許多人都知道,座頭鯨常在海面上活動,因此很容易被人發現。然而,當一隻座頭鯨從獨木舟的正下方浮出水面時,卻讓她們經歷了畢生難忘的驚險時刻。有人在旁邊拍攝到這兩位女士和座頭鯨相遇的過程,影片中可見座頭鯨張著大嘴,兩位女士及其獨木舟對牠而言,實在是塞牙縫都不夠。幸好,她們雖然落入海中,但不久就毫髮無傷地逃脫了。 她們的經歷讓我們聯想到,聖經中先知約拿被「大魚」吞下的事蹟(約拿書1章17節)。上帝吩咐約拿向尼尼微人傳講悔改的信息,但由於他們一直拒絕上帝,約拿因而認為他們不配得到上帝的饒恕。他沒有聽從上帝的命令,而是搭船企圖逃避上帝。於是,上帝使海面起了狂風,以致約拿被拋入海中。 上帝讓約拿被大魚吞下,使他不致葬身大海,也避免他遭受更嚴重的後果。約拿在魚腹中「求告耶和華」而上帝聽了他的禱告(2章2節)。約拿承認自己的過錯,並感謝讚美上帝的恩典後,上帝就吩咐魚把他吐在陸地上(10節)。 當我們靠著上帝的恩典承認自己的罪,並且相信耶穌為你我的罪流血捨命,我們就可以避免本該受的罪的後果,與上帝和好,並藉著祂經歷新生命。 反思和禱告你何時曾企圖逃避上帝?
你曾如何藉著耶穌經歷新生命? 親愛的上帝,我承認我的罪,
並感謝祢藉著耶穌賜給我新生命。 Running from GodFrom deep in the realm of the dead I called for help, and you listened to my cry. Julie and Liz kayaked off the coast of California, scouting for humpback whales. Humpbacks are known for being active near the surface, making them easy to spot. The two women got the surprise of their lives when one surfaced directly underneath them. An onlooker caught footage of their encounter that showed the large mouth of the whale dwarfing the women and their kayaks. After briefly going underwater, the women escaped unharmed. Their experience offers perspective on the biblical account of the prophet Jonah being swallowed by a “huge fish” (Jonah 1:17). God had instructed him to preach to the Ninevites, but because they’d rejected God, Jonah didn’t feel they were worthy of His forgiveness. Instead of obeying, he ran away and took passage on a ship. God sent a dangerous storm, and he was thrown overboard. God provided a way to preserve Jonah from certain death on the high seas, sparing him the far-worse consequences of his actions. Jonah “called to the Lord” and God listened (2:2). After Jonah admitted his wrongdoing and expressed his praise and acknowledgment of God’s goodness, he was—at His command—expelled from the fish “onto dry land” (v. 10). By God’s grace, when we acknowledge our sin and express faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, we’re spared the spiritual death we deserve and experience new life through Him. Reflect & PrayWhen have you “run away” from God? How have you experienced new life through Jesus? Dear God, I acknowledge my sin and thank You for providing for me a new life through Jesus. Hear the story of Jonah, who ran away from the Lord. 推薦連結: 14. 和合本有聲聖經 htt ps://www.biblegateway.com/resources/audio/ (英文) 15. https://ourdailydevotional24.com/24th-october-2021-our-daily-bread-devotional-talk-trust-feel 17.陪你讀聖經 一天一章
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「耶和華必審問他民中的長老和首領,說:吃盡葡萄園果子的就是你們;向貧窮人所奪的都在你們家中。」(以賽亞書3:14)(cony angry)
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