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2015/06/29 02:46:01瀏覽2805|回應2|推薦101 | |
William Shakespeare SONNET 77
Thy glass will show thee how thy beauties wear, The wrinkles which thy glass will truly show Look, what thy memory can not contain These offices, so oft as thou wilt look, ... Romeo et JulietteHere two families make the law No need to choose your camp they have made it for you long before …
We speak of Verona - Here the venom of hate runs through our lives as in our veins ... Of course, our gardens are full of flowers and Of course, our wives are beautiful and then It is like Paradiso on earth but our souls are in Inferno …… (The Angel of Death in white clothes wonders through Verona gently ... Measuring the angle in Bastet's eyes. ) Victor Hugo Notre Dame De Paris
Le Temps Des Cathédrales 神靈的世紀 C'est une histoire qui a pour lieu Pierre après pierre, jour après jour "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us (Living), we had nothing before us (Dying), we were all going direct to Heaven (Dante's Paradiso), we were all going direct the other way (Dante's Inferno) - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities (Ruling Stars) insisted on its being received (Moirais - Spinning, Measuring and Cutting of Time), for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. (Relative extremity from a Gravity Center)" ~ A Tale of Two Cities (1859) Its background set for the French Revolution by Charles Dickens (1812 -1870) 八仙渡海送慈悲 (Vajra/Akshobhya: Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā) OM represents Tara's holy body, speech and mind.TA.RE means liberating from true suffering, the sufferings of samsara, our aggregates being under the control of delusion and karma. TUT.TARE means liberating from the eight fears, the external dangers, but mainly from the internal dangers, the delusions, and also karma. TU.RE means liberating from the ignorance of the absolute nature of the ego. It shows the true cessation of suffering. Sva.ha means "may the meaning of this mantra take root (awakening) in my mind". 吉日
吉日維戊,既伯既禱。田車既好,四牡孔阜。升彼大阜,從其群醜。 吉日庚午,既差我馬。獸之所同,麀鹿麌麌。漆沮之從,天子之所。 瞻彼中原,其祈孔有。儦儦俟俟,或群或友。悉率左右,以燕天子。 既張我弓,既挾我矢。發彼小豝,殪死大兕。以御賓客,且以酌醴。 繫辭 (上傳) : 是故君子, Der Kampf gegen die Luftverschmutzung könne gewonnen werden, natürlich! 天鵝 Cygnus, the romanized form of the ancient Greek κύκνος (kyknos) "swan". |
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