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The World Soul 周慧敏 [大寒..清明] Moirai Synchronicity 復活節 Passover
2015/01/25 03:59:09瀏覽2749|回應2|推薦104

美麗 周慧敏&王菀之

有人在看着鏡子 內心有一些故事     感覺尷尬憂鬱 為了別人的無知

風中傳來了委屈 是誰更需要恩賜         天下無完美的事 完美來自於無私

光芒鑰匙 從何遺失    美麗這回事        是靈魂終於懂事
眼看溫柔 嘴唇寫詩    純粹的笑容        是雨過天青一道彩虹

起伏無常的日子 各在不同的位置         為了外在更標緻 忘了上帝的意旨

每個人每張臉     生命始終相連            隨着愛而行才不會過眼雲煙

光芒二字 怎麼詮釋   美麗這回事         就是洗滌心靈瑕疵
剛柔並重 祝福成詩  凋零的樹枝          是大地滿花正在編織


黃昏在等 一座空城      像咖啡在等 一個人
命運在等 誰的倖存      愛情在等 誰的作證
墜落了靈魂的星晨       一個人 冷不冷
你依稀的吻                 還能辨認

故事在等 一個熱吻      那個人 溫柔裡再生
倔強在等 下個可能      青春在等 誰完成
就算歲月爬過了我們    當流言 刮成了 龍捲風
你會前來 敲我的門      把諾言再確認

咖啡在等一個人           苦澀 慢慢 蒸餾出 圓潤香醇
雨的溫潤 愛的誠懇      像年輪 暈開一杯甘純

時光在等一個人          將青澀 烘焙 變回甘的熟成
生死夾縫 才能見證     你是我 肩上天使 一直在為我等

真心在等一個人          不驚動 安靜 等自願的熟成
生死夾縫 才能見證     你是我 肩上天使 我從未一個人

~你是我 肩上天使      我從未一個人


In my open arms I feel you                        My very soul in your eyes I see
And when I lose my way                           You bring me back and say
I'm with you every step in every way

And in the darkest hours of my life              When faith in who I am starts to fade
The only one I call my true heart's song       You would never let me fall

I never thought that a love like this             Would find a way to me
Oceans may rise and the mountains may fall, I don't mind
You're all that I'll ever need
I give my all for a love like this                    Till the end of time
I know the miracle of your love set me free   For I have you on my side

Oceans may rise and the mountains may fall, I don't mind
As long as you're by my side

依靠 周慧敏

總是需要有過一些煎熬      才能體會平淡的那種美好
如果什麼都想要                怎麼能得到真正需要

人總是常常去自尋煩惱      卻又害怕擁有太多煩惱
想得太多睡不著                別讓明天的憂慮困擾

你說這樣好不好                從今以後只對你依靠
幸福早已被賜予                不用千里去尋找
你說這樣好不好                從今以後只記得美好
什麼事都難不倒                你在我心裡就好

有時候擁有了太多美好     反而會讓喜樂平安都失焦
失去也許是安排                往往之後才體會得到

我們想要的總是不夠少     真正需要的比想像還少
人世對你唱反調                試著靜下心聆聽就好

~什麼事都難不倒             你在我心裡就好

回轉 周慧敏

我們的存在 天真像一篇序       翻過了章節 單純卻在逝去

當現實 慫恿灰心                    說妥協 是人生的捷徑
你卻用 堅定 捍衛赤子的心     不讓世故 抹煞了自己

愛 是你真誠的 守護純淨        灌溉了失落 收成美景
偏執的本性 因為有了             你的啟示 回轉自己
字裡熱切的 給我安定             在最終國度看見的 是孩子 的 美麗

是你真誠的 灌溉了失落
偏執的本性 因為有了 你的啟示 回轉自己
字裡熱切的 給我安定
在最終國度看見的 是孩子 的 美麗

Tout entière  她的一切

Le Démon, dans ma chambre haute
Ce matin est venu me voir,
Et, tâchant à me prendre en faute
Me dit: «Je voudrais bien savoir

Parmi toutes les belles choses
Dont est fait son enchantement,
Parmi les objets noirs ou roses
Qui composent son corps charmant,

Quel est le plus doux.» — Ô mon âme!
Tu répondis à l'Abhorré:
«Puisqu'en Elle tout est dictame
Rien ne peut être préféré.

Lorsque tout me ravit, j'ignore
Si quelque chose me séduit.
Elle éblouit comme l'Aurore
Et console comme la Nuit;

Et l'harmonie est trop exquise,
Qui gouverne tout son beau corps,
Pour que l'impuissante analyse
En note les nombreux accords.

Ô métamorphose mystique
De tous mes sens fondus en un!
Son haleine fait la musique,
Comme sa voix fait le parfum!»









                 那樣最可愛?>> ---哦靈魂!


           << 因她的一切是芳馨, 














Charles Baudelaire

"Und so lang du das nicht hast,

Dieses: stirb und werde,

Bist du nur ein trübe Gast

Auf der dunkeln Erde."    ~Goethe

The World in Symbolic Keys ==>
Lower left Corner Bull [Taurus] Gospel LUKE,
Lower right Lion [Leo] MARK,
Upper right Eagle [Scorpio] JOHN, and
Upper left Water-Carrier [Aquarius] MATTHEW
Green Elliptic Orbit is the Cosmic tail-biting Snake .
Female - World Soul drapped in "Naked" truth of innocence.
Two staves of left and right - Woodsticks carrying seed of invisible and mystic Fire in Balance of Justice (Equinox) and Harmony of Beauty in pale Golden ratio posture
The Purple cloth drapes through Mother's breasts - Life water/Milk cycling down the tree of Knownledge and Wisdom
Red Cross - Extreme Limit of Seasons - (Solstice) in Metamorphosis
through Dante's La Vita Nouva, Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso 
Dancing Happily and Naturally with eyes looking to the Ascending East Gate of Becoming; With open but crossed legs for dynamic mental movements/understandings of Social Consciousness. 
"When will the Kingdom come?" [I am, Je suis] said " It will not come by expectation; they will not say" "See, here," or "See, there" but the Kingdom of Humanity [Shamballa]  is spread upon the earth and men do not see it.". 
~Mark 14
Through hidden in all things,
The World Soul shines not forth;
Yet is seen by subtle seers
Of supperior, subtle intellect.
~Katha 3.12
By discerning that .....
one is liberated from the mouth of Death.
~Katha 3.15, Upanishad 

Almighty is an intelligible sphere, whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere (now here). 
Above are some great passages abridged from "Taro (Rota/wheel/Zodiac - Torah) Revelations" by Joseph Campbell
Parts of Original Assyian Chimera: 


Saturn [Cube] Jupiter [Tetrahedron] Mars [Dodecahedron] Earth [Icosahedron] Venus [Octahedron] Mercury - SUN

"Earth sings Mi Fa Mi as in Misery and Famine" -  What a humble Optimistic Pemesist in perfecting all his works! {No only did Kepler spell out the notes but also show an implicit clue for his avid readers. Words are just words, without an understanding of the words, there is no meanings to the words been read from his books.  If God can wait 6000 years for kepler to read, understand and justify the music of heaven, he is willing, too, for giants like Newton,Einstein,Hawking, etc.}   

"O Thou who does by the light of Nature promote in us the Desire for the light of grace, that by its means Thou may transport us into the light of glory, I give thanks to Thee, O Lord Creator, who has delighted me with Thy makings and in the works of Thy hands have I exulted.     Behold now, I have completed the work of my profession, having employed as much power of mind as Thou did give to me; to the men who are going to read those demonstrations I have made to manifest the glory of Thy works, as much of its infinity as the narrows of my intellect could apprehend. 

My mind has given over to philosophizing most correctly  if there is anything unworthy of Thy designs brought forth by me - a worm born and nourished in a wallowing place of sins - breathe into me also that which Thou does wish men to know, that I may make the correction:   If I have been allured into madness by the wonderful beauty of Thy works, or if I have loved my own glory among men, while I am advancing in the work destined for Thy glory, be gentle and merciful and pardon me; and finally design graciously to effect that those demonstrations give way to Thy glory and the salvation of souls and nowhere be an obstacle to that. "  

~Johannes Kepler, Chapter 9, Book FIVE, "Harmonies of the World", in the divine proportional year 1,618 AD

Between AD 325 (when the First Council of Nicaea was held, and the vernal equinox occurred approximately 21 March), and the time of Pope Gregory's Bull in 1582, the vernal equinox had moved backward in the calendar, so that in 1582 it occurred about 11 March, 10 days earlier than 21 March.

The Gregorian calendar therefore began by skipping 10 calendar days, to restore 21 March as the date of the vernal equinox.

Dante's journey through Hell begins on Good Friday, and his emergence from the other realms is on Easter Sunday

Easter always falls on a Sunday.  There is a Saturn-day in between.  Saturn is a Ring star.  

Now, you know re-alignment ... Re-ligion is all about ...  about Souls and life are destined to be changed according to "Misery and Famine singing on Earth" (- by Kepler) by Time (Chronos in Greek or Shiva 印度濕婆) .

Idolotry - Worship False Religions by Blind People, See-Not and Hear-Not of the meanings of the True Religion - The Temple is in your own "Heart" ( ie. Brain ).

Serpentine Ananke ( Force Necessary ) are a partner of Chronos (Time), the THREE (Number 3) Moirai (Fates) are called Clothos {Clock - Spinner of time}, Lachesis { Alloter - Measurer of Thread spun from Spindle} and Atropos {Unturnable, Cutter of thread, Stopped, Inflexible}.

Beginning to spin a life, Measuring length of life, and the Cutting at the end of a life - Clothos, Lachesis, and Atropos are called Three Fates.

How funny a Divine Comedy Dante brought to us all!      The Purgatory for the Redemption of the Soul (The Hospital) has a very brief-mentioned marker, the Crux in Canto I: 22-4 .... It is in that sweet smile [捻花微笑], the Benevolence is handed to us.

I' mi volsi a man destra,            {Set me to spy}

e puosi mente a l'altro polo,       {on that other pole}

e vidi quattro stele non viste      {Beheld the four stars}

mai fuor ch'a la prima gente.      {none saw but the first men.}.

~Purgatory, Canto I

In a flash of understanding [頓悟涅槃], which Dante cannot express [圓滿本覺], he does finally see this, and his soul becomes aligned with Creator's love:

"But already my desire and my will [of action] were being turned
like a wheel of fate [身命法輪], all at one speed, by the Love
invisible [慈祥光愛] which moves the sun and the other stars." 

~ Paradiso, Canto XXXIII

But the goodness of God has ordained, that in every Nisan, at the time of the spring equinox, the seraphim  (Angle) shall approach the world of spirits, and intimidate them (Spirits) so that they (Spirits) fear to do harm to men (massive amount of people - not animals) .

算過左右翅膀各有多少道羽毛?      公開的秘密(Hidden Dimension)

Chronology Of Venus

.In contact Note #150 dated 10th October, 1981 Quetzal provides Billy Meier with the following chronology.

6,339.5 BCE - The Destroyer* rips Venus (a satellite) out of its orbit around Uranus and "tows" it behind itself in the direction of the earth's orbital path.

6,104 BCE - Venus breaks into earth's orbital path which disturbs Venus's rotation in such a way that a new rotational period is created around the sun. Bringing gigantic earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and elemental storms to Earth at that time.

4,006 BCE - Venus crosses again into the earth's path and lightly disturbs the earth again, but without bringing about large catastrophes this time.

3,545 BCE - Venus finally stabilizes itself and sets itself into an orbit around the sun.

*Destroyer ... 1,618 AD  Great Comet with 575 years cycle. (Kepler - Book 5)

Jupiter Rx affecitng Aries and Scorpio     ... on (House V)  Rituals, Talents, Water,  Forest.

Saturn Rx  affecting Virgo and Aquarious ... on (House IX) Scholars, Officials, Buildings/Land and Contracts.     (March 14 - Aug 02, 2015) Defining Boundaries/Limits.



食品不安全。。。人體(土)含70%水。受害。等等。。。 "You are what you eat."

Easter Festival ==> Egg, Estrogen, children, Divine Femiline, and Resurrection (Rituals)

Ariadne's gold thread, named for the legend of Ariadne, is the solving of a problem with multiple apparent means of proceeding - such as a physical maze, a logic puzzle, or an ethical dilemma - through an exhaustive application of logic to all available routes. It is the particular method used that is able to follow completely through to trace steps or take point by point a series of found truths in a contingent, ordered search that reaches an end position. This process can take the form of a mental record, a physical marking, or even a philosophical debate; it is the process itself that assumes the name.

The key element to applying Ariadne's thread to a problem is the creation and maintenance of a record - physical or otherwise - of the problem's available and exhausted options at all times. This record is referred to as the "thread", regardless of its actual medium. The purpose the record serves is to permit BackTracking - that is, reversing earlier decisions and trying alternatives. Given the record, applying the algorithm is straightforward:

1) At any moment that there is a choice to be made, make one arbitrarily from those not already marked as failures, and follow it logically as far as possible.

2) If a contradiction results, back up to the last decision made, mark it as a failure, and try another decision at the same point. If no other options exist there, back up to the last place in the record that does, mark the failure at that level, and proceed onward.

This algorithm will terminate upon either finding a solution or marking all initial choices as failures; in the latter case, there is no solution.    If a thorough examination is desired even though a solution has been found, one can revert to the previous decision, mark the success, and continue on as if a solution were never found; the algorithm will exhaust all decisions and find all solutions.

Often Time in the Cathedral, one, a Labyrinths ,  there find. 

 "Das Ewig-Weibliche, Zieht uns hinan" ~ Goether

"The earliest images of the Great Goddess (Venus) are of a period from about 7000 to 5000 BC.    A little figure in a stone from a village site, Çatal Hüyük (in southern Turkey today), which perfectly illustrates the mythic role of the female in this context (in the sky)." ~Joseph Campbell

==> (In other words, it gives evidence that the Venus ONLY showed up for the human world in the sky ... from 7000 to 5000 BCE ... and the Venus calendar will have to be developed after Venus finally stablized in its own orbit in 3545 BCE ....    NOT millions of years as many have thought of or taught by the education institutions .... believe it or not!)    

These ancient fools made up these Marvelous Stories, Fairy Tales, Nusery Rimes for Children in the hope that a few will rediscover the truth hidden in the foundation at a most opportune  time in the future.  Just try to read these western classics in Greek and Latin, unless you know what they are talking about these will put you to sleep in a very short time - true bed-time readings.

There are 100 kind of Love in Italian, 100 kind of Beer in German, and 100 kind of houses in ....  Like Hollywood and Disney productions these stories could be so colorful, so vivid, and so deeply planeted into the little Book of Memory; and these ancients also so successful in covering their tracks by changing different coats and bears, ie. incognito, for these figures to make wanderful tales and fables. That's pure entertainment ....

Divine Femiline - Sacred Cathedrals  ==>  Dome(Head), Apse, Alter, Choir, Sanctuary, Cross(Shoulder), Nave(Belly), Desert, Narthex, and Towers

Haggadah - Jewish text "Telling" sets forth the order of Passover ritual over the Seder Table.   Few interested in Jews could look into Author Szyk's works. 

This "Ideas, thoughts and Procedures" Learning Model was not taught in my regular education.   I have to throw away many years of old to acquire this new to get ancient knowledge.  ~GB 

Heliocentric Osculating Orbital Elements for 2013
         |  Julian  |Inclin-|  Longitude    |  Mean  | Daily  |Eccen- |  Mean  
Date     |   Date   | ation |Asc.  | Peri-  |Distance| Motion |tricity|Longitude
         |          |       |Node  | helion |        |        |       |
         |          |degrees|    degrees    |   au   |degrees |       | degrees
Jan. -12  2456280.5  7.0053  48.485  77.658  0.387100 4.09232  0.205636 191.7001
Jan. -12  2456280.5  3.3949  76.797 132.00   0.723328 1.60214  0.006777 209.0515
EARTH/MOON BARYCENTER                                 
Jan. -12  2456280.5  0.0       -    103.042  1.000008 0.985598 0.016703  87.9950
Jan. -12  2456280.5  1.8497  49.663 336.246  1.523624 0.524069 0.093285 317.1847
Jan. -12  2456280.5  1.3033 100.624  14.604  5.20269  0.083094 0.048895  68.0222
Jan. -12  2456280.5  2.4869 113.732  90.734  9.51836  0.033583 0.055789 208.6057
Jan. -12  2456280.5  0.7726  74.004 169.227 19.2099   0.011713 0.046728   9.1400 
Jan. -12  2456280.5  1.7686 131.930  53.89  30.0401   0.005990 0.010281 333.6121  
Jan. -12  2456280.5 17.1651 110.464 223.640 39.2768   0.004006 0.245716 257.9871
( 不分類不分類 )
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2015/03/14 04:27




Jacques(1123581321) 於 2015-03-16 01:36 回覆:

張鳳哈佛 哈佛問學錄 得首獎
2015/02/07 14:03
祝福闔府春節如意 ﹗好久不見...
Jacques(1123581321) 於 2015-02-08 13:45 回覆:
