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2014/03/23 17:12:58瀏覽2713|回應1|推薦113 | |
煙花三月 牽住你的手 相別在黃鶴樓 波濤萬裏長江水 送你下揚州 真情伴你走 春色為你留 二十四橋明月夜 牽掛在揚州 揚州城有沒有我 這樣的好朋友 揚州城有沒有人 為你分擔憂和愁 揚州城有沒有我 這樣的知心人 揚州城有沒有人 和你風雨同舟 煙花三月 是折不斷的柳 夢裏江南 是喝不完的酒 等到 那孤帆遠影碧空盡 才知道思念 總比那西湖瘦 月光小夜曲 月亮在我窗前蕩漾 透進了愛的光芒 我低頭靜靜地想一想 猜不透你心腸 好像今晚月亮一樣 忽明忽暗又忽亮 啊...到底是愛還是心慌 啊....月光 夢江南 草青青﹑水藍藍﹐啊白雲深處是故鄉﹐故鄉在江南 雨茫茫﹑橋彎彎﹐啊白帆片片是夢鄉﹐夢鄉在江南 不知今宵是何時的雲煙﹐也不知今夕是何夕的睡蓮 只願能夠化作唐宋詩篇﹐長眠在你的身邊 春江花月夜 江樓上獨憑欄 聽鐘鼓聲傳 嫋嫋娜娜散入 那落霞斑斕
一江春水緩緩流 四野悄無人 唯有淡淡細來 薄霧輕煙
西湖春 春風吹 春燕歸 桃杏多嬌媚 儂把舵來 郎搖槳 劃破西湖水 春意濃 春心暖 無力柳葉垂 眼兒相望 心相印 儂情郎陶醉 春風吹 春燕歸 遠山多青翠 湖上鴛鴦 花間蝶 雙棲又雙飛 情切切 意綿綿 無言癡相對 但聞遠處 歌聲傳 春日最陶醉 月圓花好 浮雲散 明月照人來 團圓美滿 今朝醉 清淺池塘 鴛鴦戲水 紅裳翠蓋 並蒂蓮開 雙雙對對 恩恩愛愛 這款風兒 向著好花吹 柔情蜜意 滿人間 月滿西樓 月滿西樓
Harmonie du soir Voici venir les temps où vibrant sur sa tige Chaque fleur s'évapore ainsi qu'un encensoir; Le violon frémit comme un coeur qu'on afflige, Un coeur tendre, qui hait le néant vaste et noir, — Charles Baudelaire The great Masters (Few), the writers of the Scriptures, Talmud, Koran, Confucius, Buddha, Cicero, Livy, as well as Shakespeare, Goethe, Nietzsche and others in their writings nothing but ways and means to forecast future events. All these writings are in “Code Form” so that the Public (Many) can’t understand a word. They study “the Surface” and like it. The secrets were safely hidden and easily escaped from them. The present generation - actually held me back many years, having to wade through their works first UNTIL Hard Thinking put me on the right trial! A "Code-Message" is decipherable for a few; undecipherable for all the others and for both it is based on a commonly known story as it is widely available and offers an open book examination for future generations . ~GB
(00:47:00) ... "My hands have made it!" (01:44:00) ... Andromeda - Wezen - Sun - Spica - Peacock (01:45:00) ... Real Meaning of Vairocana Style Space-Time Sectors Drink as much Knowledge as you can but Experience will vary from Wisdom and Understanding in your subject inventories. ![]() "As I came not into this life with any knowledge of it, and as my liking are for what is old, I bury myself in seeking knowledge and understanding there!" ~Confucius "Weißt Du nicht, daß die Dichte Worte von Dauer und daß ihre Pfeile vergiftet sind?" ~[Tausend und ein Nacht] From "La Vita Nova" by Dante Alighieri ( c. 1265–1321) I In that part of the book of my memory before which very little is legible, there is a passage with the rubric that says: insipit vita nova (a New life begins). Below the rubric I find written the words which it is my intention to collect in the little book - or, if not all of them, then at least their general meaning. II Nine times had the sun completed its yearly zodiacal journey to almost the same point, when there first appeared before my eyes the glorious lady of my thoughts, who was called Beatrice [giver of blessing] even by "many who did not know" her name. She had passed enough time on earth for the fixed stars in the heavens to have shifted eastward a twelfth of a degree*. When I first saw ..... *但丁。他真的閒著無事? 第一段就寫出 (春秋歲差 每9X8=72年 黃道東移一度). This is purely an example of a "Code-Message" book for "a few" and for all. Newer division of the 12 Zodiac constellations are just incorrect. (完全精準。象形。會意) 天海中心: 母河馬 Opet (Apet, Ipet, Ipy) - 蘊育。 計算。威力。保衛。。。 Buddhism and the oldest star chart from Dunhuang cave. 中西皆然。古時成僧侶前。都要多方考察正確生辰時日。。。 Mirror, Mirror on the wall - Who's the prettiest of them all?
Stories you like ... the greatest story ever told in books. "What you're looking for?" is NOT there! and "What you're looking for?" is actually missing ... or broken off .... Then a curious and diligent mind ... will start looking for an answer! Constanze: Stop it!Mozart: I am stopping it! Slowly. There? See? I've stopped. Now we're going back.Constanze: No!Mozart: Yes, yes! You don't know where you are! Here, everything goes backwards. People walk backwards, dance backwards, sing backwards, and even TALK backwards.Constanze: That's stupid. Leonardo wrote in Italian using a special kind of shorthand that he invented himself. People who study his notebooks have long been puzzled by something else, however. He usually used "Mirror Writing", starting at the right side of the page and moving to the left. Only when he was writing something intended for other people did he write in the normal direction. Stars (Changing of Zodiac Patterns through House mansions) - The Outer cycle path of Space-Time
Bardos (Changing of Physical, Mental, and Spiritual states) - The Inner Time-Traveller beyond Life and Death Physical Level - Planetary
into Dream (mi lam) Bardo returns to the awakening state
Mental Level - Solar
into Meditation (sam ten) Bardo reutrns to Natural consciousness state
Spiritual and Eternal Soul Level - Galactic
from Natural Life (che shi) Bardo
into Tomb Death (chö nyi ) Bardo
into Rigpa Light (si pa) Bardo
into Womb Gestate (che nay) Bardo ..... returns to Natural Life state Bardo
![]() 取.獸的文*特性*﹕ (在特殊時候-典儀)。埋藏。消化。曉解。攝取。(Jackal)
![]() {潔淨精微.會意} ....... 管理限時消化曉解業力攝取(靈魂Ba)功能的神祇 (Anubis)
樛木 南有樛木 葛藟纍之 樂只君子 福履綏之 南有樛木 葛藟荒之 樂只君子 福履將之 南有樛木 葛藟縈之 樂只君子 福履成之 Uranus - 18.38 Pisces (12th - Generations, Memory, Institutions, Politics) Jupiter - 18.45 Gemini (03rd - Expressions, Education,Husband-Wife, Duality) at Sirius Mars - 19.01 Virgo Retrograding (06th - Minerals/Child/Seeds, Disorders/Health) Pluto - 18.37 Sagittarius Retrograding (09th - , Truth,Higher Learning, Travels, Philosphy) Nuclear Matters - Radium, Uranium and Plutonium Walter Russell (an Enlightened One via Coma*) - the Father of Plutonium in Atomic Age Once, when asked how he acquired his scientific knowledge, he answered: "...I always looked for the Cause behind things and didn't fritter away my time analyzing Effect. All knowledge exists as Cause. It is simple. It is limited to Light of Mind and the electric wave of motion which records God's thinking in matter." He presented a view of the periodic table of elements that led him to the prediction of the existence of Plutonium and the two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium andtritium which were known in theory but as yet undiscovered in nature at that time, (as well as elements which are still undiscovered in nature) e. g. the inert gases 'alphanon', 'betanon' and 'gammanon' as well as the creation of heavy water. Russell's periodic table has not been adopted by mainstream chemistry. However, in 1923, Charles Steinmetz of General Electric was able to corroborate the existence of some of the predicted transuranium elements by direct experimentation in a laboratory, which helped to usher in the Atomic Age in 1945. His major adavanced scientific works have been sealed by US for next 100 years. *Coma --- the Constellation in "Whose Father was Sin" sector ... a New Child/Seed, Stone or Knowledge. Walter Russell's Book, "Atomic Suicide? ", Univ of Science & Philosophy, 1957 (A very good read about the reasons why we shouldn't dig up Radioactive Elements out of deep soil for energy. ) Spiritual and feminine Energy and Psyche |
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