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2008/08/23 12:02:42瀏覽719|回應2|推薦47 | |
If Ever I Would Leave You 我怎能離開妳﹖by Julie Andrews in Camelot If ever I would leave you 如果我想選擇在一個季節中離開﹐ It wouldn't be in summer. 那是不可能在熔熔的夏天。 Seeing you in summer I never would go. 只因為﹐不會在夏天離開﹐當我看見妳。。 Your hair streaked with sun-light, 妳絲絲美麗的秀髮散放出像熔金的光燦﹐ Your lips colored as flame, 那如火鮮紅般被渲染的櫻脣﹐ Your face with a luster that puts gold to shame! 和讓時光都駐足的臉龐 散著讓真金也羞慚 聖潔的光輝。 But if I'd ever leave you, it couldn’t be in autumn. 如果我選在一個季節離開﹐那是不可能在涼涼的秋天。 How I'd leave in autumn I never will know. 我怎能在秋季離開妳呢﹖那是永遠不能知道的。 I've seen how you sparkle, When fall nips the air. 我見到妳全身散發如秋似的光芒﹐當我感到一絲的秋意﹐ I know you in autumn And I must be there. 我了解我必須與妳相聚﹐在無比燦爛的秋天裡。 And could I leave you running merrily through the snow? 我怎能﹐當妳在雪地歡悅的奔跑嘻笑時﹐離開妳﹖ Or on a wintry evening 或是 在一個深冬的夜晚裡﹐ when you catch the fire's glow? 離開, 當妳擁有情深, 愛如火焰的溫度時﹖ If ever I would leave you, How could it be in spring-time? 如果我選在一個季節離開﹐那可能是在初情的春天嗎﹖ Knowing how in spring I'm bewitched by you so? 能知道 沐浴在愛情的春季﹐當我完全的被妳的魅力任所擺佈時。。? Oh, no! not in spring-time! 不﹐春天的離別﹐決不可能﹗ Summer, winter or fall! 就連。夏﹐冬﹐和秋﹐也決不可能的﹗ No, never could I leave you at all ! 不﹐我永遠都不可能離開妳﹗ No, never could I leave you at all ! 不﹐一絲離開妳的可能都不會存在! |
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