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2020/04/12 06:29:19瀏覽807|回應0|推薦39


!) 耶稣受难日:在白宮祈禱



3) 人們在街道上祈禱耶穌拯救他們的國家

 The following poem is from https://www.self-i-dentity-through-hooponopono.com/the-peace-of-i/.

The Peace Of “I”

Peace be with you, All My Peace,
The Peace that is “I”, the Peace that is “I am”.
The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore.
My Peace “I” give to you, My Peace “I” leave with you,
Not the world’s Peace, but, only My Peace,
The Peace of “I”.


                       “大我” 的平靜 


Peace be with you, All My Peace,
平靜與你同在, 我所有的平靜

The Peace that is " I ", the Peace that is "I am".
這平靜是 "我", 這平靜是 "本我"

The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore.
這平靜ㄧ直都在, 從現在直到永永遠遠.

My Peace " I " give to you, My Peace " I " leave with you,
"我" 把我的平靜送給你,  "我" 把我的平靜留給你

Not the worlds Peace, but, only My Peace,
這不是世界的平靜, 而是我的平靜

The Peace of " I ".
"大我" 的平靜.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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