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Follow me’: Dog finds help, leads cops to owner’s car crash 「跟我來」:狗求助引導警察前往飼主車禍現
2022/01/15 23:21:46瀏覽293|回應0|推薦0

Follow me’: Dog finds help, leads cops to owner’s car crash




A German shepherd named Tinsley, first thought to be a lost dog, successfully led New Hampshire state police to the site of its owner’s rollover crash.


Both the vehicle’s occupants were seriously hurt, but thanks to Tinsley’s dogged efforts they quickly received medical assistance once officers discovered the truck, which went off the road near a Vermont interstate junction.


“The dog was trying to show them something,” said Lt. Daniel Baldassarre of the New Hampshire State Police. “ He kept trying to get away from them but didn’t run away totally.


“It was kind of, ‘Follow me. Follow me.’ And they did that and you know, to their surprise to see the guardrail damaged and to look down to where the dog is looking at, it’s just, they were almost in disbelief,” he said. AP



dogged:形容詞,指固執的、頑強的。例句:It’s dogged as does it.(天下無難事,只怕有心人。)

thanks to:片語,指幸虧、由於。例句:It was thanks to your timely help that I accomplished the task on time.(多虧你及時幫忙,我按時完成了任務。)

in disbelief:片語,指不相信、懷疑。例句:He shook his head in disbelief. (他不以為然地搖搖頭。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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