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’Panther’ the cat rescued after days-long utility pole perch貓咪黑豹棲息在電線桿上數日後獲救
2021/12/22 21:45:14瀏覽193|回應0|推薦1

’Panther’ the cat rescued after days-long utility pole perch




For at least two days and maybe more, residents of a suburban Denver neighborhood worried about the fate of a black cat called Panther who was perched atop a 11-meter utility pole.


Panther stayed put despite efforts by his co-owner, Alexis Soberanis and others to coax him down in Aurora. Neither pleading nor the enticement of food did the trick.


``Everybody’s been just like, `Put food down and it’ll come down eventually,’’’ said Aurora resident Jessica Meadows on Friday morning, when the city received its first snow of the season. ``That’s not going to happen.’’


News of Panther’s plight reached Aurora Councilmember Curtis Gardner and city officials dispatched a ladder truck Friday afternoom. After getting the truck into place, firefighters rescued the cat. Kimberly Medina, another Panther co-owner, said he had always been allowed outside. No more, she said: ``Never.’’



utility pole:名詞,電線桿。utility指公用事業、效用、實用。例句:This computer is of low utility for the home user.(這部電腦對家庭用戶的實用性不大。)

stay put:指留在原地。例句And I’ll stay put as long as it takes.(只要有需要,我會一直留在原地。)

ladder truck:名詞,雲梯車。 aerial ladder fire truck指消防雲梯車。

( 時事評論國際 )
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