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Amazon #1 best seller 亞馬遜暢銷書排名第一 THE ASTONISHING COLOR OF AFTER
2018/02/21 00:42:26瀏覽2165|回應0|推薦53


"Emily X.R. Pan's brilliantly crafted, harrowing first novel portrays the vast spectrum of love and grief with heart-wrenching beauty and candor. This is a very special book."--John Green, bestselling author of The Fault in Our Stars and Turtles All the Way Down

"Emily X.R. Pan ﹝潘相如﹞第一部精心創作的小說,描繪愛與悲的巨大光譜。美麗的文字,真實的感情,處處令人動容。這是一本非常特別的書。”—— John Green, 暢銷排行榜作家,代表性作品:The Fault in Our Stars and Turtles All the Way Down

A stunning, heartbreaking debut novel about grief, love, and family, perfect for fans of Jandy Nelson and Celeste Ng.

一部虛實兼顧,震撼人心的小說。 探討人生的無常和悲痛,映現親情、愛情、友情的無價 。相信熱愛Jandy Nelson & Celeste Ng. 的粉絲也會喜愛這部小說!

Leigh Chen Sanders is absolutely certain about one thing: When her mother died by suicide, she turned into a bird.

這個故事開門見山陳述:Leigh Chen Sanders 清楚知道,她的母親自殺身亡後,變成了一隻鳥。

Leigh, who is half Asian and half white, travels to Taiwan to meet her maternal grandparents for the first time. There, she is determined to find her mother, the bird. In her search, she winds up chasing after ghosts, uncovering family secrets, and forging a new relationship with her grandparents. And as she grieves, she must try to reconcile the fact that on the same day she kissed her best friend and longtime secret crush, Axel, her mother was taking her own life.

故事的主人公,Leigh,是亞裔和白人的混血,就在她和長期暗戀的Axel親吻的那天,竟傳來母親自殺的消息,內心的喜悅,瞬間化為沉重的罪惡感。Leigh在無盡的矛盾和痛苦中,默默離開心愛的Axel,到台灣去拜訪未曾謀面的外公外婆。此行最重要的目的,是要去找尋變成鳥的媽媽。為了那隻鳥,Leigh勇敢闖蕩,神祕的線索使她接觸到台灣的宗教,竟而追隨鬼魂,上窮碧落下黃泉,歷經困頓和奇幻。無意間,竟讓Leigh發現了家族中深藏的一個秘密;隨著秘密的擴大和越趨複雜,她的心情嚴重地墜入驚懼、茫然和痛苦的深淵。血濃於水,在台灣的日子,Leigh與外公外婆很自然地建立起良好的關係。親情的呵護,有如一劑良藥,逐漸滌淨長久寄居Leigh內心的憂鬱陰影。回到美國,Leigh毫不猶豫前去會晤了Axel,她要告訴Axel,許多許多的故事 ……

Alternating between reality and magic, past and present, hope and despair, The Astonishing Color of After is a novel about finding oneself through family history, art, bravery, and love.  


With lyrical prose in the vein of Laini Taylor, and an innovative structure reminiscent of A. S. King, Emily X.R. Pan’s luminous debut novel is poised for literary appeal and commercial success.

 抒情技巧,有Laini Taylor的風格,創新的架構會令人聯想起A. S. King。Emily X.R. Pan 的處女作十分亮眼,橫空出世熠熠生輝,兼具文學和商業價值。本書蒙ABA (American Booksellers Association)推薦為 2018年冬季優良刊物。


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