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2019/06/25 08:16:45瀏覽536|回應0|推薦8

Last three days I watched the clips of a interleague series between St Louis Cardinals and Los Angles Angels on my IPad.  You know I am a diehard Angels fan, but the series interested me mostly because the former Cardinals slugger Albert Pujols returned and played at St Louis for the first time since he was traded to Angels several years ago. 

Albert Pujols, the legendary "biochemical human"(Please see my previous writing 多明尼加特產之一: MLB棒球明星 at http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/111748653), used to be the franchise player of  Cardinals and the icon of the city.  He helped the club win a title or two in World Series.  But as he was aging and suffered from injuries, he was unable to continue being a fully competent fielder in National League which allows no designated hitters.  Out of many considerations, including salary, Cardinals finally traded him to Angels, a club of American League.  Certainly, as old as being pushing to 40, Puljos could not fare very well lately as used to be.  Still, he has accumulated 3000+ hits, 600+ home runs, and 2000+ RBIs up to date.  He is bound to be a prospect member in Hall of Fame someday.

In the almost sold-out series, the fans were still intoxicating themselves with the reflected glory that Puljos brought them in those good old days.  Every time when he was at-bat, Cardinals fans were rooting for him, a rival now, like he is still a Cardinal.  When he collected hits and got onto the plate, the fans all gave him standing ovations until he waved his helmet to them.  He did hit a homer in the series, when he returned to the dugout, the fans passionately demanded a curtain call from him.  When Puljos did as requested, report said as he went down the stairs into the dugout again, he wept.

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