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2017/11/07 14:22:42瀏覽302|回應1|推薦6

Report said US president Trump and his Airforce 1 landed on an American military airport in Japan yesterday to start his state visits in Northeastern Asia.  An American military airport in Japan?  That signifies Japan has been occupied by US ever since the end of WWII, and it is still a puppet state to America, or at least not a normal country.

Report also said Japans prime minister Abe exerted himself in every possible way to brown-nose Trump to the extent of disgusting sycophancy.  I wonder if such scenes would make Japanese people feel sick or not; I guess not.

But Cai and her administration admire or even worship Japan blindly like hell, and I believe most of the islanders have a Japanese fetishism as well.  What the hell, man.  Let me tell you something, Taidu and Dutai, you should thank Chinas Mainland instead, for without her there would still be US bases and soldiers in Taiwan.  Is that really what you want?  If so, all I can say you are nothing but some parasite fodders, or someday cannon fodders.    


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離題了,but somewhat related.
2017/11/08 07:58



很抱歉,陳寅恪 was not much better.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-11-08 13:39 回覆:
Much obliged to you for the information. No wonder 聞一多 was assassinnted later in 1946.