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Do not "step on my (someone's) toes."
2018/08/19 18:33:49瀏覽7288|回應0|推薦1

Main Topic: step on someone’s toes

本日主題: 惹到我了 (請看內文,會更清楚喔!!!)


"Step on someone’s toes" means to insult, offend or upset someone, especially by getting involving anther people’s responsibility. When people tell you that "do not step on my toes," you need to be aware whether you are doing something that you should have not got involved. Sometimes, people just try to intimidate you away from things they target to get. In this situation, you just need to fight for it. When people say "do not step on my toes," this phrase is always with some anger.

"Step on someone’s toes" 的意思是去汙辱、侵犯或是讓人傷心,特別是發生在當你侵犯到別人的責任範圍時。 當有人說"do not step on my toes", 你需要有所警覺是否你正在做的事情,是你本來不需要由你來做的!!!有時候,有人用一樣的話來告訴你時,他們只是想把你嚇走,因為他們正在對你可能要做的事情很感興趣,怕你來打擾。在這個時候,你只要盡力去做就對了,不需要理會他們. 當人們說"do not step on my toes",這句話必定攜帶著生氣的情緒。

Literally, when people "step on your toes," you feel painful. Then, you tell him to get your dirty foot away from your toes. Thus, when people offend you or make you feel bad, you can clearly tell him "do not step on my toes." Please check picture.1

字面上,有人 "step on your toes", 你一定會覺得痛。 然後,你會請他把他的髒腳移開。 因此,有人侵犯到你的時候或是讓你覺得不舒服,你就可以清楚的告訴他do not step on my toes"。Please check picture.1

Picture.1 step on someone’s toes

Situations you can use "step on someone’s toes"

1. Do not step on my toes. That is not your business!


1. 不要侵犯到我。這不是你該負責的!


2. When Jess passed by me, she stepped on my toes that made me feel hurt.


2. 當Jess從我旁邊經過時,她踩到我腳趾頭,我覺得好痛。


3. He said "do not step on my toes" in a strange tone.


3. 他用一種奇怪的語調說"不要惹到我"。

No Chinese Interference-"Do not step on my (someone’s) toes"

( 知識學習考試升學 )
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