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Transformation Requires Positive Thoughts
2017/05/28 20:08:13瀏覽1457|回應0|推薦0

 Transformation must start from the mindset adjustment. The two of most popular transformation specialists, Chris and Heidi, from the most talked series" Extreme Weight Loss". They hold a central idea for a transformation is how you think decides how far you will go.






  Chris and Heidi Powell are life savers as well for ill obese people. Chris and Heidi try to make obese people believe slimming down is not only as a dream by urging and pushing them stepping out of their comfort zones. What's following, one of the ill obese people lost weight up to 30 kg in the first three months. The second and third three months resulted satisfactions in a row. This guy started believed much more in himself by continuingly goal hitting and he lived by the healthy recipe he had been trusting during the hardship in his rest of life. Thus what really matters about transformation is all about metal state, believing.







  In introspection, we must have simulated all the possible results in our mind as a scripted plan, before we initiated. The Plan was always ended by virtual frustrations working in our mind because unpleasant tragidies arise in simulation. In order to avoid real frustrations, we cancel off the following execution plan which kills possibilities. In fact, you have not started it yet in real life. You might be teased by your future self. To avoid potential regrets, we have to stay commited. Set a smaller goal in each stage and you should conquer battles till your first goal is hit. After second goal setting, we might ethier slightly adjust the apporaches or have a drastic turn to achieve the second goal. Like this, the subsequent goals are hit one after another. Then you really believe in yourself and gaining infinitive momentums as increasing times of victories. Therefore, positive mindset must be eqquiped if you do not want to be called a loser.






  Transformation is all about mindset. Never underestimates your potential. Along the same line on English learning, even if we do not have all English environment, we still can assess great English proficiency. Set up some goals and being disciplined can definitely help construct your English pattern. Do not block the efficient ways by feeling embarrassed. You can try to communicate with yourself in English as a practice routine and not to goof off. You will be so surprised for the progress you will have made. Just believe in yourself。      




Words Reviewing

1. transformation: Transformation refers to a totally big change, and you might have not even recognized from their original shape or state. (In the movie "transformer", the taxi becomes a giant robot fighter as a best example of transformation.)

(1). His transformation greatly surprises everyone, and we all give "her" best wishes.

(2). If you want a transformation on your body type, you should be constrained by surgery food.

1. transformation: Transformation表示一個巨大的轉變且你可能已經不能從他原來的樣貌來認得他們了。(在電影"變形金剛"中,計程車變成巨大的機器人戰士就是最好的例子。)

(1). 他徹底的轉變讓大家都滿驚訝的,我們也都給"她"最純真的祝福。

(2). 如果你想要在身材上有一個巨大的改變,你必須要戒除含糖的食物。

2. life saver: someone who save your life

(1). The little man walked on the street in absent-minded state. Luckily, the blue-haired man saved his life in the last minute as his life safer.

(2). He is a life safer for the whole company, so he must be rewarded greatly.

2. life saver: 救命恩人

(1). 小男孩漫不經心地走在路上。幸運的是在最後危急關頭被藍頭髮男生救走了,成為了小男孩的救命恩人。

(2). 他拯救了整個公司,所以必定會被公司大大的獎勵。

3. recipe: An instructive book teaches you how to make dishes, desserts, etc. In the situations of working instruction, well-being code, and so on, you might see the word of recipe.  

(1). The girl followed the cake recipe, and made a nice cake wonderfully.

(2). His living recipe of being healthy is the most talked topic over these days.

3. recipe: 一本教人如何製作餐點、點心等等的指導書。在有些情形下,你也能看到recipe這個字,如工作指導教學、健康守則等等。

(1). 小女孩依著食譜的指示成功了製作出完美的蛋糕。

(2). 他的維持健康的方法是最近最常被討論的題目。

4. introspection: An act of thinking about previous mistakes for the purpose of being better and better

(1). We do introspection before sleeping every day.

(2). Introspection is necessary, if you want to be successful.

4. introspection: 反省

(1). 我們每天睡覺前都會好好的反省。

(2). 反省是必要的,如果你想要成功的話。

5. construct: to build or make sth such as road, building or machine (You construct an idea as if you construct a building. Use your imagination, your English will be better~!)

(1). The worker is constructing a building.

(2). We try to construct a flawless idea for the upcoming project. 

5. construct: to build or make sth such as road, building or machine (想出一個辦法就好像你在建造一棟建築物一樣。運用你的想像力,英文會變得更好喔~!)

(1). 工人正在在蓋房子。

(2). 我們嘗試著想出一個完美的想法,為了迎接接下來的計畫。

( 知識學習考試升學 )
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