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Dialogues between a Christian and His Pastor(s): Letter 7 (Scheduling)
2018/03/20 00:26:30瀏覽252|回應0|推薦2
9/26 06
Dear Pastor Pete:

Thank you so much for your very encouraging and loving note, especially given the fact that you have a very full schedule! Big hug:).

You know what?! In my spirit, I also sense that you will ask for a private conversation and the conversation will not take place until a while. Moreover, I fully agree with you that having a private conversation with you will be much better and effective than communicating merely through emails. We are really inspired by the same God! Praise the Lord!

It is great that you cc-ed your reply to Debbie, who shares the same wonderful name of the sister who blessed me tremendously about nine days ago! Through her blessings, I was deeply moved by the Protestant tenet that “all believers are priests.” (1 Peter 2:9; 2 Corinthians 5:18 ) This name is really anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit, not just in the days of the Old Testament, but also today! Praise the Lord!

Please kindly provide me with an appointment time of your convenience. I have sensed it in my spirit that it should be mutually convenient. Otherwise, we can always schedule another time or reschedule at due notice!

Also thank you for reminding me to be patient. Though my natural tendency is to do things at a very fast pace like Martha, with the blessings of observing Sabbath and the life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit, I am learning to be patient and enjoying the presence of the Holy Spirit like Maria, no matter whether it is strong or gentile, loud or quiet. Praise the Lord!

See you on Sunday! I should be ushering then.:)

Affectionate yours,

( 心情隨筆其他 )
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