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澳洲天后〔凱莉米洛〕──化身為法國性感女神〔碧姬芭杜〕的--〔Your Disco Needs You〕
2007/07/26 20:47:21瀏覽198|回應0|推薦1


澳洲天后凱莉米洛──歐洲迪斯可舞曲傑作──化身為法國性感女神碧姬芭杜的-〔Your Disco Needs You



Your Disco Needs You
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!

Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!

Desperately seeking someone willing to travel
Youґre lost in conversation and useless at Scrabble
Happiness will never last darkness comes to kick your ass
So lets dance through all our fears
War is over for a bit
The whole world should be moving do your part
Cure a lonely heart

Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!

Were sold on vanity but thats so see through (see through)
Take your body to the floor, your disco needs you
From Soho to Singapore, from the mainlands to the shore

So lets dance through all our fears
War is over for a bit, youre a slave to the rhythm do your part
Cure a lonely heart

Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh
Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh
Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh
Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh
Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh
Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh

Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!

So lets dance through all our fears
War is over for a bit, the whole world should be moving do your part
Cure a lonely heart

Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!
Your disco, your disco, your disco..

Needs... YOU!


Your Disco Needs You〕收錄在凱莉米洛(Kylie Minogue)2000年東山再起的大碟〔Light Years
這是一首相當精彩的迪斯可歐化舞曲 由凱莉, Robbie Williams,製作人Guy Chambers合寫而成
旋律討好 配合渾厚有力的男性合聲
將這首歌曲烘托得相當有氣勢 非常受到凱莉的歌迷歡迎
此外樂評對此曲也相當讚賞 認為它是10年來最出色的舞曲之一
於是不顧歌迷的反對 放棄原先全面主打的計畫
不過在凱莉的作品中 這仍是一首地下暢銷曲

在攝影機前搔首弄姿 舞動自己的曼妙身材
不過這支錄影帶讓我聯想起寵物店男孩的〔Go West
兩者除了跟迪斯可有關連外 在歌曲上都採取了軍樂般的男性雄渾合聲
不管如何 是一首相當精彩的歐洲迪斯可舞曲







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