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美國天后[芭芭拉史翠珊]─爵士/傳統流行曲─[Sam, You Made the Pants Too Long]
2022/01/29 12:37:35瀏覽407|回應0|推薦8

美國演藝天后[芭芭拉.史翠珊]──爵士/傳統流行曲──Sam, You Made the Pants Too Long/山姆,你把褲子弄得太長了




Trousers draggin, slowly draggin through the street
Yes, Im walking, but Im walking without feet
Im not finding fault at all
With whats too big and whats too small
But Sam, Sam, you promised me both ends would meet
You made the coat and vest fit the best
You made the lining nice and strong
But Sam, you made the pants too long
You made the teak lapel look so swell
Who am I to say that youre wrong?
But Sam, you made the pants too long
They got the belt, and they got suspenders
So what can they lose?
But what good are belts, what good suspenders
When the pants are hanging over the shoes?
You feel the winter breeze up and down the knees
The belt is where the tie belongs
cause Sam, Sam, Sam,
You made the pants too long
You know what I mean, Sam?



1966年3月 將滿24歲的美國歌壇巨星芭芭拉.史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)發行第七張錄音室大碟[Color Me Barbra](Columbia出版)

由Robert Mersey製作, 翻唱許多經典名曲, 並介紹一些新的音樂劇歌曲

這是芭芭拉於1966年3月30日在CBS電視台的第二部個人特別節目內容──且是首部彩色畫面──在當時黑白映像時代仍屬新奇──因而專輯便以此名之[Color Me Barbra/上色芭芭拉]

[Color Me Barbra]登上Billboard專輯榜#3,賣出一百多萬張,拿到金唱片


樂評亦佳, 隔年提名葛萊美年度專輯與最佳女歌手


首支單曲為[Where Am I Going?/我正往何處?]登上Billboard單曲榜#94 副榜-Easy Listening榜#4

第二主打[Sam, You Made the Pants Too Long/山姆,你把褲子弄得太長了

這是一首對1932年歌曲[Lawd, You Made the Night Too Long/勞德,你讓夜晚變太長了]的詼諧模仿

原版是Victor Young作曲 , Sam M. Lewis作詞

1940年的詼諧版[Sam, You Made the Pants Too Long]則由Milton Berle +Fred Whitehouse改編旋律

後來成為喜劇演員Red Buttons的名曲之一

芭芭拉版由Peter Matz編曲 /指揮,Warren Vincent製作成一首爵士/傳統流行曲

編曲活潑 史翠珊的詮釋俏皮 頗具戲劇性



[Sam, You Made the Pants Too Long登上Billboard單曲榜#98 副榜-Pop Standards/成人抒情榜#9

另一美國錢櫃單曲榜(Cash Box)則拿到#79


後來收在1970年出版的首張精選輯[Greatest Hits]中















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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