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Seems like eternity since Ive been in your arms

A multitude of colorless hours pass

I crave the life inside you, it keeps me from harm

I only pray that its not just another God

Eternity, I want to be with you for all eternity

Darling, you be the only one for me, together for eternity

I long to touch your warm, the world out theres so cold

Whenever we, I dont know, but I do know, baby, I want you all the time

You are the beginning, middle and end to every story told

You are the science of my mind

Eternity, I want to be, I want to be

I want to be with you for all eternity

Darling, you be the only one for me, together for eternity

And it seems like a year away that you and I were making love

One should take a life day to day

But all my dreams are made of, all my dreams are made of

Eternity, I want to be, I want to be

I want to be with you for all eternity

Darling, you be the only one for me, together for eternity

Eternity, I want to be, I want to be with you

With you, with you, with you, with you

Darling, you be the only one for me, together for eternity

Eternity, eternity, yeah



1987年, 28歲的英國紅髮歌姬席娜.伊斯頓(Sheena Easton)推出第八張大碟〔No Sound But a Heart〕(EMI出版)──但只加拿大墨西哥日本以及其它亞洲市場。

美國因為原公司EMI-America 併入EMI-Manhattan受阻, 雖然訂下兩個發行日期(19872月+6月), 仍不了了之, 無法推出, 直到1999年經由One Way Records, 才在美國本土發行。

製作群包括Keith Diamond, Narada Michael Walden, Nick Martinelli, David Leonard and Phil Ramone


唯一單曲為[Eternity/永恆], 由音樂鬼才王子(Prince)譜寫

David Leonard製作成一首R&B/靈魂抒情曲, 在緩慢的節奏間, 席娜以富有層次的唱腔演唱

伊斯頓並拍攝一支絢爛MV, 以早期酷冷短髮型, 加上華麗禮服與黑色勁裝示人

可惜因為公司合併問題,導致沒有宣傳, 發行後無聲無息消失, 為其1980年代事業低點



1988年她便跳槽到MCA唱片, 以[The Lover in Me]東山再起了。








(Shep Pettibone Mix)







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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