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英國女子團體[芭娜娜拉瑪/香蕉女皇]──合成流行曲──[Cheers Then]
2020/10/18 00:41:07瀏覽549|回應0|推薦13

英國女子團體[芭娜娜拉瑪/香蕉女皇]──合成流行曲──[Cheers Then


Cheers then heres two old friends

We thought wed never say goodbye

But those good times came to an end

And its not worth another try

Familiar place familiar face

But feelings not the same

Try to relive what we once did

Its just a silly game

Cheers then heres two old friends

We thought wed never say goodbye

But those good times came to an end

And its not worth another try

One of the crowd

It felt so safe

I never felt alone

Together everyday and night

When you and me were young

Ooh ooh ooh...

Cheers then heres two old friends

We thought wed never say goodbye

But those good times came to an end

And its not worth another try

Time that lapsed a bond collapsed

We never planned for that

You felt betrayed I let you down

Youre better on your own

Ooh ooh ooh...

Cheers then, it had to end

Cheers then, another try

Cheers then, heres two old friends

Cheers then, were saying goodbye

Cheers then, were saying goodbye

Cheers then...





1982年初 英國熱門女子團體芭娜娜拉瑪/香蕉女皇(Bananarama)受邀與客串合作Fun Boy Three單曲[It Aint What You Do....] 登上英國榜#4 成為她們在主流歌壇首度重大成功

1982年4月 芭娜娜拉瑪推出在London唱片公司旗下首支單曲[Really Saying Something/言之有物](Fun Boy Three客串)

登上英國單曲榜#5 也是她們自己首支暢銷曲
1982年6月推出第二首單曲[Shy Boy/害羞男孩] 打入英國單曲榜#4 


1982年11月, 芭娜娜拉瑪發行London唱片旗下第三單曲[Cheers Then]

由三名團員Sara Dallin+Siobhan Fahey Keren Woodward與John Martin&Terry Sharp合寫──這是她們首支自己創作的單曲

Barry Blue製作成一首合成流行曲, 節奏輕快──雖然個人覺得旋律普通

在連續第三首Top5熱門曲/銀唱片後, [Cheers Then]在英國單曲榜只拿到令人失望的#45,

芭娜娜拉瑪說原本她們以為所有團以只要推出唱片後, 它們自然會衝向排行榜前排, 在[Cheers Then]大敗後, 才稍微把她們推向現實, 並認真考慮自己的事業


Cheers Then]後來收在1983年3月發行的首張大碟[Deep Sea Skivng] 被視為其第三支正式單曲(如果算入在收錄其中的法語單曲[Aie a Mwana] 則是技術第三主打)

[Deep Sea Skivng]登上英國專輯榜#7──為其事業名次最高錄音室大碟, 並拿到銀唱片(6萬張+)












( 休閒生活音樂 )
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