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澳洲流行團體[空中補給]──科幻喜劇片[魔鬼剋星]插曲──[I Can Wait Forever]
2020/04/09 12:04:21瀏覽427|回應0|推薦10

澳大利亞流行團體[空中補給]──科幻喜劇電影[魔鬼剋星]插曲──[I Can Wait Forever/我能永遠等待]



When you say I miss the things you do,

I just want to get back close again to you.

But for now your voice is near enough.

How I miss you, and I miss you love.

And though all the days that pass me by so slow,

all the emptiness inside me flows all around,

and theres no way out.

Im just thinkin so much of you.

There was never any doubt.

I can wait forever if you say youll be there too.

I can wait forever if you will.

I know its worth it all to spend my life alone with you.

When it looked as though my life was wrong,

You took my love and gave it somewhere to belong.

Ill be here when hope is out of sight.

I just wish that I was next to you tonight.

And oh, Ill be reaching for you even though

Youll be somewhere else, my love.

Well go like a bird on its way back home.

I could never let you go.

And I just want you to know

I can wait forever if you say youll be there too.

I can wait forever if you will.

I know its worth it all to spend my life alone with you.

Where are you now,

along with the thoughts we share?

Keep them strong somehow.

And you know Ill always be there.

I can wait forever if you say youll be there too.

I can wait forever if you will.

I know its worth it all to spend my life alone with you.



1984年6月, 美國哥倫比亞影業推出科幻喜劇電影[Ghostbusters/魔鬼剋星], 票房大賣



電影原聲帶專輯Arista出版)眾星雲集, 澳大利亞流行團體空中補給(Air Supply)也獻唱一曲[I Can Wait Forever/我能永遠等待]

此曲由團員Graham Russell 與加拿大音樂人大衛佛斯特(David Foster, Jay Graydon譜寫


旋律討好, Russell Hitchcock演繹在主歌纏綿悱惻, 副歌高亢激昂, 相當動聽

I Can Wait Forever]並未全面主打, 只在日本, 巴西等觸限地發行

儘管如此, 卻是歌迷相當喜愛的歌曲之一, 後來收在空中補給幾張精選輯中。







Live In Taipei 95




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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