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瑞典流行雙人組[羅克賽特]──成人抒情/軟式搖滾曲──[Queen of Rain/雨后]
2019/08/07 12:41:11瀏覽329|回應0|推薦6

瑞典流行雙人組[羅克賽特]──成人抒情/軟式搖滾曲──[Queen of Rain/雨后]



In that big big house there are fifty doors

and one of them leads to your heart.

In the time of spring I passed your gate

and tried to make a start.

All I knew was the scent of sea and dew

but Ive been in love before,

how about you?

Theres a time for the good in life,

a time to kill the pain in life,

dream about the sun you queen of rain

In that big house there are fifty beds

and one of them leads to your soul.

Its a bed of fear, a bed of threats,

regrets and sheets so cold.

All I knew your eyes so velvet blue,

Ive been in love before, how about you?

Theres a time for the good in life,

a time to kill the pain in life,

dream about the sun you queen of rain

Its time to place your bets in life,

Ive played the losers game of life,

dream about the sun you queen of rain

Time went by as I wrote your name in the sky,

fly fly away, bye bye.





1992年8月 當紅的瑞典流行搖滾雙人組羅克賽特(Roxette)發行第四張大碟[Tourism        仍由Clarence Öfwerman製作

主要在他們Join The Joyride巡迴灌錄的歌曲, 包括三首演唱會實況錄音

雖然常被視為現場演唱會專輯(Live Album

其實是現唱與錄音室歌曲的綜合, 羅克賽特形容這是一張巡迴大碟(Tour Album

Tourism]在歐洲十分暢銷, 登上全歐榜四週冠軍 賣了兩百萬張(1992年終#21)

包括德國冠軍 英國亞軍等

但在美國卻踢到鐵板 只拿到排行榜#117 至今只賣出20幾萬張




首支主打[How Do You Do]國際暢銷

1992年10月, 羅克賽特推出第二主打[Queen of Rain/雨后]

此曲由Per Gessle與其樂團Gyllene Tider吉他手 Mats Persson合寫

原本1990年7月就灌錄,打算收在上張大碟[Joyride]中, 但後來排除在外

Clarence Öfwerman製作一首成人抒情/軟式搖滾曲, 主唱瑪麗的詮釋柔情細膩

Queen of Rain]登上瑞典榜#12 英國榜#28 德國榜#19 西班牙#7 比利時#14 荷蘭#20 瑞士#27 加拿大#47 澳大利亞#66

1996年羅克賽特發行選輯[Baladas en español/西班牙語抒情曲], 並將此曲翻成拉丁版[Una reina va detrás de un rey/女王追逐國王]








Album Version



Unplugged 1993






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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