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Tainan Trip
2010/02/09 17:24:22瀏覽524|回應0|推薦9

    Yesterday we took a trip to Tainan, Rich, Jason, and me. We traveled there to visit an old friend of ours.

    For some people, simply sitting in the sofa on the bus is already a torture, but one can never imagine the torture of waiting for a bus in a line with like a hundred passengers ahead of him. What was worse? Taichung is usually a stop between another two, so technically, every bus came and picked up only twenty passengers a time…

    We stood there, waiting for a miracle that was coming to save us from eternal boredom. We watched as buses bond for Taipei, Kaohsiung, and even (with all due of respect, my friend) Pingtung coming diligently but ours quite the contrary. Finally, fifty minutes later, the nightmare was over.

    It was ten fifteen when we hit the road, but thirteen when our feet touched the earth again.

    It was literally hot in Tainan! It's winter now, isn't it? We went to a dumpling shop to stop the groaning from our stomachs. They were nice, actually. To tell the truth, I've never had dumplings so big in a shop like that. Perhaps this could be seen only in Tainan.

    If there was one thing to complain about the Capital of Culture, that'll be the scooters. People there seem to enjoy zigzag around on a scooter. There's nothing to blame when it comes to riding a scooter, but the exhaust from those roaring machines nearly killed me. Standing next to a scooter may cause no trouble, but being next to a "herd" of them is definitely suffocating! Remind me next time when I attempted another visit there that I should mask my face…

    It was a short visit, but fun containing. And that was when I realized how horrible a trip could be if you spend twelve hours touring but half that time you are restricted to a tiny seat. My souring limbs should prove everything…

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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