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A Revisit Six Months Later
2010/02/06 14:56:58瀏覽491|回應0|推薦5

    Remember the plan for last night? Ha ha, you got it! No one called me.

    Rich and I spent almost forty minutes waiting for the TTJ bus no. 57 at the stop called National Museum of Natural Science. As Taichung citizens know, TTJ bus is still and will be free in 2010. This means one can take the TTJ bus circling around in the city for free with an E-Card or an EasyCard in the hand. Initially, the free trial program is bond for the end of 2009, but merciful as Taichung City Gov. is, the duration has been prolonged for the entire 2010.

    But that could be something too good to be true.

    After waiting for the very TTJ bus we wanted to take for forty minutes (within which we let go of several great chances such as 83, 88, 106), we finally gave in. We took 81 at Qing Guo Boulevard and fifteen minutes later, we were at TCFSH.

    Maybe it's a conspiracy? To let you wait for the TTJ bus until you finally couldn't stand it and get on other buses that are going to charge. Don't take it politically, it's just a complaint that has nothing to do with either party. But it was disappointing to find out the one I lingered most wasn't coming to me…

    The time estimated for the transportation, including to and fro, turned out to be only enough for us to get there. Yie Zong St. is still the way it was. Crowded, noisy, and for some places, dirty. From appearance, my school hasn't changed, except the lights alongside the pavement was somehow off the duty. Coming back to the place where I spent three years studying, laughing, and dreaming about my future gave me a feeling I couldn't explain. As we walked by the main entrance, a breeze came floating through, and I thought I tasted it. It's the memory.

    The annual Spring Market is preparing for itself, and several stands have been on the run. And there were people, lots of people. The crowd do what crowds do. We elbowed our way through combinations of couples and friends, and finally, we were at the Sunrise Plaza, ready to enjoy something special.

    Some shops were closed, replaced by others featuring some strange choices. I could picture the scene when all the students at that time confined in the cram schools were at once set free. The jammed street would definitely be a wonder.

    At nine, we got on the bus, not a TTJ one. Like what I said, it's nearly impossible to get one if you do cherish your time. That was when I found that I haven't realized another dream of mine-- visiting a special candy shop. Whatever, there are still chances.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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