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A 防禦態勢:在防禦態勢下,我方應當以「機動彈性防禦」為準則,即引誘敵方進入我方設定之防禦火網內,故編組上至少應有一火力支援組與機動防衛組,若是情況允許應當扭轉情勢化被動為主動,採取主動出擊,進行「攻勢防禦」,故編組上需注意。後者應當在戰線誘引敵方進入圈套,結合前者之火力加以殲滅之。若情況不允許有在戰線外之機動防衛組,則應當平均打散兵力,進行靜態防線之彈性防禦。

B 正面推進:此一狀況應盡量避免,如有必要,則必須注意敵兵力及火力重點以打散我方火力,集中編組成為火力支援組,專門對付正面戰獻上之重點區域,其餘則為突擊組,隨時視情況突入敵後方以擴大戰果。

C 突擊:在所有進攻態勢中,此一作戰編組應當做為優先考量,此一狀況下,我方應起碼有一組火力支援組和一組突擊組,突擊組應當強調機動能力和快速火力,而火力支援組則應編入手頭上之較重型火力。火力支援組將以火力集中支援突擊組於重點區域之突破,並隨時伺機支援。

D 追擊:此一編組適用於敵人潰散後的追擊行動,編組上仍同於突擊編組,輕快之突擊組應當立刻尾隨敵兵力,而火力支援組則持續清掃戰場並掩護突擊組後方。

E 埋伏:此一編組適用於伏擊敵人之進攻或者後退,基本上如同設置陷阱,分成三組平均打散,兩翼各一組,底部一組,重型武器則應配置在封鎖通路的該組。

F 行進搜索:於行進搜索時應當分出一組尖兵斥候以先行探勘地形與敵情,該尖兵組應當輕裝且機動性高,待遭遇敵方時可以等待主力前來支援,或者可以迅速後退跟主力結合。


A 通信代號:所有隊員應當擁有足以代表個人之無線電呼號,於作戰期間內均應全程使用該呼號,此一呼號不可與他人重複也不可難以記憶。

B 通信方式:主要分為口語,手勢及無線電三種,所有隊員應當學習此三種方式並交換運用之,以確保所有隊員均能徹底瞭解通信內容。

a 口語方面,作戰期間內如有需要才可使用,以避免音量過大而洩漏行蹤,且交談內容應當簡短,切忌不可喧嘩。
b 手勢方面,請參照版上「小組戰術」內基本手勢運用,以做為近距離通信用。

2.1 Attention 注意-單手在側邊上方左右來回揮舞數次
2.7 Halt 停住-右手向上伸直
2.9 Advance or Move out 前進-右手伸直從後方向前揮動
2.12 Right or Left Turn 左右轉-右手水平向右側伸直,掌心向外
2.13 Slow Down 慢下來-右手水平向右側伸直,向下來回揮動數次
2.22 Messages Acknowledged 了解/收到訊息-手掌緊握並伸出大拇指
2.25 Fire 開火-右手向上伸直後向下擺動
2.27 Cease Fire 停火-右手掌擺在臉前掌心微向外,上下來回擺動數次
2.30 Assemble or Rally 集合-右手向上伸直並掌心向外,來回畫圓圈數次
2.33 Rush 加速前進-右手掌緊握伸至肩膀處,向上伸直來回數次
2.35 Enemy in Sight 視界內有敵人-舉起武器瞄向敵人概略位置
2.36 Take Cover 找掩護-右手掌心向下斜舉至45度,向下擺動
2.48 Cover My Move 掩護我-手舉至45度,再彎回放置在頭頂
2.63 Freeze 停住!-舉起拳頭與頭齊高

c 無線電通信方面,各隊員間聯絡應當注意通信紀律,尤其是需要「無線電靜默」時,交談時必須全程以代號互相稱呼,切不可長篇大論以免耽誤時機。

Freeze: Everybody hold your position. All the soldiers should stay quiet and motionless. It usually means that the Point Man (or whoever made the signal) suspects that something is wrong and is still gathering information.
Hasty Ambush: Means "we're going to ambush the enemy". Usually made when the enemy looks vulnerable and when they seem to be heading toward the group. The soldiers should immediately take concealed firing positions.
Attack! or Immediate Assault: Not the kind of thing you do every day! For sme reason, everybody should charge with weapons blazing. For example, if the group comes on the rear of an enemy position, or if another friendly unit needs immediate help. Also used on raids. Whoever gives the signal had better have a damn good reason.
Fall back: This means to start an orderly, guarded retreat. Usually done with the leapfrog method where one or two men at a time go back down the trail while the others stand guard. When the operation is complete the whole group should be back in their usual marching order, but heading in the oppposite direction.
Ambush: Or, to put it another way, RUN! It means that the group is in immediate danger of being in an enemy ambush.
Incoming: Means "TAKE COVER!" Some kind of indirect fire, like a mortar or an artillery shell, is coming into the group. Everybody should hit the dirt, scatter or find cover immediately.
Sniper: Reacting to a single sniper is a little different than reacting to an ambush. The entire group should open fire on the sniper's position. This may or may not kill the enemy, but it'll suppress his fire for the moment.






A 機動防禦組-用於防衛作戰上,最少編制為兩人,以資深者為小組長。該任務編組上以機動性為優先考量,以遲滯敵人或者引誘敵人進入陷阱為主。在行進搜索中,也可轉為斥候尖兵之用。

B 火力支援組-此一編組適用於所有作戰型態,最少編制應為三人,以資深者為小組長。該編制上應以火力發揚為優先考量,即能在短時間之內提供相當程度的火力以擊潰當面的敵軍或者對於重點區域敵軍進行壓制,例如擁有彈鼓或者機槍等兵器者為優先考量。

C 突擊組-此一編組適用於進攻或者追擊態勢上,最少編制為三人,以資深者為小組長。該任務編組頗類似機動防禦組,但是需要更強大的兵力以集中攻擊,故該編組只能多不能少。


A 領隊者通知一齊開火
B 敵人進入預定之開火區域
C 敵人接近至不得不開火的距離

A 敵人靠近至距離僅三公尺處
B 遇有民眾或者民房時
C 在生態保育區周遭或者區域內,除非獲得允許


Point Fire is when you're aiming at a particular target. For example, you might tell everyone to concentrate Point Fire on the enemy machinegun operator.

Area Fire means aiming at any available targets in a particular area.

Suppressive Fire means you're trying to get the enemy to keep his head down. This is the kind of shooting you do when somebody yells, "Cover me!"

Grazing Fire is usually a straight, horizontal line laid down by machineguns. The idea is to continuously draw a line of bullets about 3 feet off the ground. That way, even if you can't see the enemy, you have a pretty good chance of hitting. Usually used then the enemy is charging toward you.


Kill Zone is the area where you plan on shooting the enemy. It should be a place with limited or no cover, limited escape routes, and little or no opportunity for the enemy to return fire.

Dead Spaces are areas out of sight of the ambushers. For example, a group on a hill may have a good view of the trail, but may not be able to see into a gully right below them. These areas should be booby trapped or targeted for accurate grenade fire.


Assault Element is the unit responsible for the main attack. In an ambush, they would be assigned different firing areas in the kill zone.

Support Element is a back-up or reserve unit. In an ambush the Suppport Element is often set along possible escape routes so the enemy will be trapped.

Security Elements have the responsibility for keeping everyone else safe. For example, if a unit had set up an ambush on a hill, the Security Element will patrol the back and sides of the hill to prevent a rear or flank attack.






1. Maintain the Objective: Every military operation must be directed toward a decisive, obtainable objective. In other words, if you can't describe the outcome you want, then you shouldn't be getting into the battle. A lot of folks would say that the lack of an objective was the main flaw in America's policies in Vietnam.
Having a stated objective that's known by the soldiers in an action is critical for them to be able to respond to changing conditions. Having the initiative to take advantage of a sudden enemy weakness, or to retreat in the face of an unexpected enemy strength, depends on everybody knowing the overall plan.

2. Watch you Concentrations: In ancient warfare everything was concentrated, because the armies were literally shoulder to shoulder. Modern weaponry makes dispersion essential. A single grenade or machinegun can kill crowds easily. As a general rule, everybody in Vietnam kept at least 5 yards apart at all times. The first limit to this dispersion is communications, you've got to keep close enough so that you can work as a team.
The second limit to dispersion is the need to concentrate attack power. The reason the ancient soldiers massed together was to concentrate their offensive power. In modern times, with long distance weapons, attack can be concentrated while the attackers remain dispersed. So units have to stay close enough to be able to coordinate and concentrate their weapons on a single target.

3. Be Prepared to Maneuver: Consider the brilliance of you enemy. Attack him with a superior force and he will break into pieces and melt away. Present him with a weak defense and he will form up a superior force and wipe you out. Forces must be organized so they can move quickly, both to attack and retreat.
Another aspect to maneuvering troops is maintaining a reserve. No matter how desperate a situation may look, it's vital to maintain a separate reserve that can respond to changing conditions.

4. Knowledge is Power: A small army with a good intelligence network is worth a lot more than a large army that's kept in the dark. The flip side of the intelligence issue is security. Always make it as difficult as possible for the enemy to get any information on your activities.

5. Watch the Multipliers: The following formulas are ridiculously simplistic. Still, they may be valuable as general guidelines.
a. It costs twice as much to attack as to defend. History records that the attacker, even when wildly successful, loses a lot more men than the defender.
b. Attacking the enemy's flank, or rear attack, is twice as effective as attacking him in the front. Frontal assaults look good in the movies, scare the hell out of the enemy, and usually result in the virtual destruction of the attacking force.
c. Surprise doubles the effectiveness of any attack. Anytime you do something predictable your chances of getting wiped out are doubled.
d. Defense strength is directly proportional to fortification strength. In other words, holes, bunkers, and trenches can easily double the number of survivors in an attack.


發表於2004/2/15 如有需要轉貼,請務必來信告知,謝謝

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Das Reich
2005/08/03 14:18

2005/08/03 13:27

看到這篇「林森北路的路邊攤真是臥虎藏龍! 賣碗稞的老闆竟然是.........」不由得哈哈大笑!


