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第五週 · 週六



徒二六18 我差你到他們那裏去,叫他們的眼睛得開,從黑暗轉入光中,從撒但權下轉向神,又因信入我,得蒙赦罪,並在一切聖別的人中得着基業。

西一18 祂也是召會身體的頭;祂是元始,是從死人中復活的首生者,使祂可以在萬有中居首位。







WEEK 5 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment

Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.

Col. 1:18 And He is the Head of the Body, the church; He is the beginning, the Firstborn from the dead, that He Himself might have the first place in all things.

The living of the jubilee is a life in which we take God instead of other things as our enjoyment and enjoy only God Himself in every situation. This is not to say that we should not study. On the contrary, we should study diligently. Neither does it mean that we should not work; we should work dutifully. Likewise, it does not mean that we should not be proper parents raising our children; rather, we should properly fulfill our responsibilities as parents. However, all these are just our living, our outward human life, which is not crucial. What is crucial is that the inward, primary factor of our human
life is right…We must let God Himself be the primary factor within us. Only then will we know how to deal with our children, how to honor our parents, how to study, and how to work. If this primary factor directs us within, everything will simply be a duty to us, not a burden or hardship. However, if we are not directed by this primary factor, everything will become a weight and a suffering. (CWWL, 1984, vol. 4, “The Jubilee,” pp. 42-43)

Today’s Reading

For our existence we cannot avoid having a family and a married life. We are also obligated to obtain an education and work at a job. However, all these are not our burdens; on the contrary, they are working for us that we may be perfected to enjoy the Lord even more. This is the living of the jubilee. A Christian’s life of jubilee should be a life of fully enjoying the Lord, a life that is full of joy and praises. If we cannot rejoice and praise, it proves that we are not living a normal life of the jubilee. This is why 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks.” This is to give thanks not only in things that are successful but in all things.

If our heart is set on anything other than the Lord, that thing, whether good or bad, becomes a suffering to us…If our heart is set on any person, thing, or matter other than the Lord, the end is wretchedness. The unbelievers do not have the Lord; they have not received the Lord as their salvation. Hence, they can only set their heart on persons, things, and matters. However, since we have been saved and have the Lord as our center, we should set our heart on Him…To those who are without the Lord, everything is a suffering. Whether bad things or good things, whether poverty or riches, whether being educated or uneducated, all are sufferings. However, when we have the Lord, He saves us from all these sufferings. If we take the Lord as our center, we can enjoy Him as our life of jubilee.

The living of the jubilee is a living in the enjoyment of Christ…Everything we have is in the Lord’s sovereign hand, and whatever He arranges for us cannot be wrong…We may think that we are what we are today because of our endeavoring and struggling, but we must realize that without the Lord’s sovereign arrangement, no matter how much we struggled and endeavored, we could not be what we are…Therefore, we should empty ourselves of everything and tell the Lord, “Fill me, gain me, and possess me. Lord, no
matter what the outward situation is, I just want to enjoy You. If I am healthy, I thank You. If I am not healthy, I also thank You. If I have children, I thank You, and if I am childless, I also thank You.” In this way poverty or wealth and peace or danger are all the same to us. That is why Paul said that “as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death” (Phil. 1:20b). To us, to live is Christ, and whether we live or die, He is magnified in us all the time. In this way we enjoy God and live the life of the jubilee. (CWWL, 1984, vol. 4, “The Jubilee,” pp. 44-45)

Further Reading: Life-study of Leviticus, msgs. 56—58

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