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第六週.週二 晨興餧養 弗五17~19『所以不要作愚昧人,卻要明白甚麼是主的旨意。不要醉酒,醉酒使人放蕩,乃要在靈裏被充滿,用詩章、頌辭、靈歌,彼此對說,從心中向主歌唱、頌詠。』 馬太二十五章九節說,『精明的回答說,恐怕不彀我們和你們用的,不如你們到賣油的那裏,為自己買罷。』…我們能借許多東西,但我們不能借聖靈的充滿。這就像喫一樣,沒有人能替你喫。 聖靈的充滿是要出代價的,就如撇下世界、對付己、愛主勝過一切、因基督將萬事看為損失等等。我們今天若不出這代價,到復活之後還是要出。不付代價的人,就沒有額外的聖靈。至終,愚拙的童女會領悟,她們需要用全心、全魂愛主。她們會看見,她們需要撇下世界,並對付己。(馬太福音生命讀經,八三○至八三一頁。) 信息選讀 我們有聖靈在我們重生的靈裏;但問題是,我們是否有額外的聖靈在我們魂裏,浸透我們的所是。問題不是童女的燈。甚至五個愚拙童女的燈也是燃燒的。她們的燈『要滅了』,(太二五8,)這事實證明愚拙童女的燈是點着的,裏面有油,卻沒有充足的供應。她們器皿裏沒有額外的油。 我們讀馬太二十五章一至十三節的上下文,就能看見儆醒就是被聖靈充滿。我們若不是整天被充滿,就不是儆醒的。這是嚴肅的。…作為得救的信徒,我們應當是充滿那靈而時時儆醒的人。我們的燈天天都燃燒,並且我們的魂、我們的所是,天天都充滿額外的聖靈。這靈乃是浸透的靈,我們需要讓這靈從我們的靈浸透我們全人,達到我們的魂,甚至浸潤我們的魂。這樣,我們就肯定是儆醒的人,豫備好自己,為着祂的回來。我們基督徒在主面前有兩種身分—我們在生命上是童女,我們也是奴僕事奉主。我們必須在生命上儆醒,在事奉上忠信,在主回來時豫備好。 我們若對主今日的行動認真,就必須每天每早晨被那靈充滿。我們需要認罪,但我們也需要出代價。進到我們靈裏的聖靈是白白賜給的;但充滿我們全人,尤其是浸透我們魂的那靈,不是白白給的。這是你必須出代價去得的,你必須買。我們作為罪人悔改並認罪、相信主耶穌時,立刻就得着重生,那靈就白白的賜給我們。但我們天天需要祂的充滿、祂的浸透,從我們的靈浸潤我們的魂。我們需要出代價。…我們許多人愛我們的床過於愛主。我們在每天的生活中,也許愛許多事物。這些事物即使不是罪惡的,卻頂替了主。我們也許不把我們上好的愛給祂,乃是給許多其他的東西。現在我們必須放下這一切其他的東西,意思就是我們必須出代價豫備好自己。 你的所是已經被那靈浸透了麼?…你是活的麼?你是充滿的麼?你是整天儆醒的麼?你是禱告的麼?你每天進入祂的話,並留在與祂的交通中麼?你也許說你很累,你沒有時間,但你也許有很多時間打電話閒談,你為甚麼不花十分鐘禱告?你也許打電話超過一小時,卻沒有五分鐘的禱告。(李常受文集一九八五年第五冊,六一二至六一三、六一五至六一六、六一八至六一九頁。) 參讀:實行主當前行動之路,第七章。 WEEK 6 — DAY 2 Morning Nourishment
Eph. 5:17-19 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord.
Matthew 25:9 says, “The prudent answered, saying, Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you; go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.”…We may borrow many things, but we cannot borrow the infilling of the Holy Spirit. This is like eating. No one can eat for you.
Having the filling of the Holy Spirit is obtained at a cost, such as giving up the world, dealing with the self, loving the Lord above all, and counting all things loss for Christ. If we do not pay this price today, we will have to pay it after we are resurrected. Those who do not pay the price do not have the extra portion of the Holy Spirit. Eventually, the foolish virgins will realize that they need to love the Lord with all their heart and soul. They will see that they need to give up the world and deal with the self. (Life-study of Matthew, pp. 716-717)
Today’s Reading
We have the Holy Spirit in our regenerated spirit, but there is a question as to whether or not we have an extra portion of the Holy Spirit in our soul, saturating our being. The problem was not with the lamps of the virgins. Even the lamps of the five foolish virgins were burning. The fact that their lamps were “going out” (Matt. 25:8) proves that their lamps were lighted, having oil in them, but not having an adequate supply. They did not have the extra portion of the oil in their vessels.
By reading the context of Matthew 25:1-13, we can see that to be watchful is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If we are not being filled all day long, we are not being watchful. This is serious…As saved believers, we should be people who are watching all the time by being filled with the Spirit. Every day our lamp is burning, and every day our soul, our being, is filled with the extra portion of the Holy Spirit. This Spirit is the saturating Spirit, which we need to allow to saturate our entire being from within our spirit to reach and even to penetrate our soul. Then we are surely watchful persons, getting ourselves ready for His coming back. We Christians have two kinds of statuses before the Lord—we are virgins in life, and we are slaves for our service to the Lord. We must be watchful in life and faithful in service to be ready at our Lord’s return.
If we do mean business with the Lord’s present-day move, we must be filled with the Spirit every morning of every day. We need to confess our sins, but we also need to pay the price. The Spirit who came into our spirit was given freely, but the saturating Spirit to fill our entire being, especially our soul, is not free. It is something that we have to pay the price for, that we have to buy. When we as sinners repented and confessed our sins and believed in the Lord Jesus, we immediately got regenerated, and the Spirit was given to us freely. But daily we need His filling, His saturating, from our spirit to penetrate our soul. We need to pay the price…Many of us love our beds more than the Lord. In our daily life we may love a lot of things. Even though these things may not be sinful, they are replacements of the Lord. We may not give our first love to Him but to many other things. Now we have to drop all these other things, which means that we have to pay the price to get ourselves ready.
Has your being been saturated with the Spirit?…Are you living? Are you being filled? Are you watching all day? Are you praying? Are you getting into His Word every day and remaining in fellowship with Him? You may say that you are tired and that you do not have the time, but you may have a lot of time to make phone calls and to gossip. Why would you not spend ten minutes for prayer? You may talk on the telephone for over an hour and yet not have five minutes for prayer. (CWWL, 1985, vol. 5, “The Way to Practice the Lord’s Present Move,” pp. 501, 503, 505)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1985, vol. 5, “The Way to Practice the Lord’s
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