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第五週 · 週一



利二五10 你們要將第五十年分別為聖,在徧地向一切的居民宣告自由。這年必為你們的禧年,各人要歸回自己的產業,歸回本家。

       13 在這禧年,你們各人要歸回自己的地業。







WEEK 5 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment

Lev. 25:10 And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family.

           13 In this year of jubilee each one of you shall return to his possession.

The year of jubilee is the acceptable year of the Lord prophesied in Isaiah 61:1-2 and fulfilled by the Lord’s coming in Luke 4:16-22. In the Old Testament type the jubilee lasted for one year, but in the fulfillment it refers to the entire New Testament age, the age of grace, as the time when God accepts the returned captives of sin (Isa. 49:8; Luke 15:17-24; 2 Cor. 6:2) and when those oppressed under the bondage of sin enjoy the release of God’s salvation (Rom. 7:14—8:2). The believers’ enjoyment of the jubilee in the age of grace, that is, their enjoyment of Christ as God’s grace to them, will issue in the full enjoyment of the jubilee in the millennium and in the fullest enjoyment in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth. (Lev. 25:10, footnote 1)

Today’s Reading

In the year of jubilee everyone who had sold his possession, his allotted portion of the good land, was returned to it without paying anything to redeem it (Lev. 25:10, 13, 28), and everyone who had sold himself into slavery regained his freedom and returned to his family (vv. 39-41). Returning to one’s possession and being freed and returning to one’s family signify that in the New Testament jubilee the believers have returned to God as their lost divine possession, have been released from all bondage, and have returned to the church as their divine family.

After the children of Israel received their portions of the land, some became poor and sold their allotment (v. 25a), thus losing their possession, their inheritance. Others became so poor that they even sold themselves into slavery (v. 39a), thus losing their freedom and becoming separated from their families. The good land of Canaan typifies the Triune God embodied in Christ (Col. 2:9) and realized as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit…as the allotted portion of the saints…When God created man, He intended to give
Himself in Christ to man as man’s possession, man’s inheritance…However, man became fallen, and in the fall man lost God as his possession…and sold himself into slavery under sin, Satan, and the world…God’s New Testament salvation, accomplished by God’s grace based on His redemption in Christ…, brings fallen man back to God as his divine possession…, releases man from slavery under sin, Satan, and the world…, and restores man to his divine family, the household of God…, that he may enjoy fellowship in God’s grace. (Lev. 25:10, footnote 2)

In the year of jubilee there are two main blessings: the returning of every man to his lost possession and the liberation from slavery. If we want to be truly free and able to enjoy God as our possession, we must receive the Lord Jesus as the real jubilee in us. If we have Him, our possession is recovered and our freedom is returned to us. The Lord Jesus has released us so that we may have God as our possession and be delivered from the bondage of sin and Satan in order that we may have real freedom. Every one of us who has experienced the grace of the Lord can testify that before we were saved, we had no freedom and no control over ourselves. Now that we have been saved, the Lord has released us from within so that we are no longer slaves. Not only so, we have been brought back to God as our possession. The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” We are no longer those who toil and are burdened; we are those who have freedom and enjoy rest. Furthermore, we are no longer poor; instead, we have God as our inheritance (Acts 26:18; Eph. 1:14; Col. 1:12). This is the meaning of the year of jubilee. (CWWL, 1984, vol. 4, “The Jubilee,” p. 9)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1984, vol. 4, “The Jubilee,” ch. 1

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