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第五篇 享受基督作為新約禧年的實際 讀經:利二五8~17,賽六一1~3,路四16~22,徒二六16~19 【週 一】 壹 利未記二十五章八至十七節裏的禧年,作為豫言記載於以賽亞六十一章一至三節,並且實際的應驗於路加四章十六至二十二節: 一 禧年有兩項主要的福分,就是各人歸回失去的產業,並從奴役得着釋放—利二五8~17: 1 每一個賣了他所分得美地一分產業的,在禧年要歸回自己的產業,而無須付贖價(10、13、28);並且凡賣了自己作奴僕的,要重得自由,歸回本家(39~41)。 2 歸回自己的產業以及得自由歸回本家,表徵在新約的禧年裏,信徒已經歸回神,就是他們所失去神聖的產業,並且從一切捆綁得釋放,回到召會,就是他們神聖的家—弗一13~14,約八32、36,參詩六八5~6。 二 在舊約的豫表裏,禧年持續一年之久,其應驗卻是指整個新約時代,恩典時代,這是神悅納歸回之罪囚的時候(賽四九8,路十五17~24,林後六2),也是那些在罪的捆綁下受壓制的人享受神救恩之釋放的時候(羅七14~八2)。 三 信徒在恩典時代對禧年的享受,就是享受基督作為神給他們的恩典,這享受要帶進千年國裏對禧年完滿的享受,以及在新天新地新耶路撒冷裏最完滿的享受—約一16~17,羅五17,腓三14,啟二二1~2上。 【週 二】 貳 禧年乃是基督作為恩典,藉着祂的恩言分賜到我們裏面,給我們享受的年代;新約的禧年乃是我們得救的狂喜年代—路四22,詩四五2,約一14~17,林後六2: 一 新約時代就是狂喜年代,基督徒乃是狂喜的人;若是我們從來沒有在神面前狂喜過,就表明我們對神的享受不彀—五13,徒十一5,二二17,詩四三4上,五一12,彼前一8,賽十二3~6。 二 『禧年』的意思就是無憂無慮、無牽無掛、無缺無乏、無病無災,甚麼難處都沒有,甚麼都是好處;因此,一切應心,萬事如意,逍遙自在,狂喜歡騰—詩一〇三1~5,一一六1~7、12~13、17~19。 三 我們必須接受主耶穌在我們裏面作真正的禧年;我們得着了祂,就有神作我們的產業,並且能蒙拯救脫離罪和撒但的轄制,而有真正的自由與安息—徒二六18,弗一13~14,西一12,太十一28,約八32、36: 1 我們接受基督作我們的救主和生命時,祂就進到我們裏面作我們的禧年,但我們若沒有讓基督在我們裏面活着,也沒有憑基督活着,我們就還沒有實際的活在禧年裏—利二五11~12。 2 我們的心若放在主以外任何的人事物上,乃是拜偶像,結局都是苦惱—約壹五21,參結十四3、5,六9。 3 我們若讓基督在我們裏面活着,並憑祂活着,一切就都應心、如意;否則一切就都是難處,凡事都沒有禧年。 四 只有當這位包羅萬有的基督給我們得着了,給我們享受了,我們纔可能一切應心,萬事如意;不是外面的人事物,乃是裏面的基督,能叫我們安穩無憂的面對各樣的環境—腓三8~9,四5~8、11~13。 【週 三】 叁 路加四章禧年的宣揚,控制了整卷路加福音的中心思想,而十章好撒瑪利亞人的比喻和十五章浪子的比喻乃是禧年絕佳的例證: 一 好撒瑪利亞人的比喻中所陳明的人救主,表徵祂神聖屬性帶着人性美德的彰顯—十25~37: 1 人救主在祂尋找失喪者並拯救罪人之職事的旅程中(十九10),來到被熱中猶太教的強盜打傷,悲慘垂死的遭難者所在的地方。 2 人救主一看見他,就在祂帶着神性的人性裏動了慈心,給他溫情的醫治和拯救的照顧,完全應付了他的急需—十33~35。 二 浪子的比喻中所陳明的人救主,表明祂牧養、尋找和拯救的靈,連同父施愛、赦免和憐恤的心—十五11~32,參九55~56: 1 有一天浪子歸回產業,回到父家,那就是禧年,就是自由;那也就是一切應心,萬事如意—十五20、24,參利二五10~12。 2 得救就是歸回我們的產業,歸回神,回來歸向神,重新享受神作我們的產業(弗一13~14);得救就是得着神;我們有了神,就甚麼都有了;我們沒有神,就甚麼都沒有了(西一12)。 3 神在基督裏作了我們的福分,但許多基督徒不快樂,像燈不亮,因為他們的『開關沒有打開』,沒有以神作他們的分—弗四18,腓二12~16。 4 父親悅納兒子,兒子回到父親那裏並歸回父家,對兒子來說,這就是禧年,恩年—路十五20。 5 神在基督裏作了肥牛犢,給悔改歸回的浪子享受—23節。 6 這符合利未記二十五章十一至十二節,那裏說,在禧年的時候不要種,也不要收,只要喫和享受;我們一悔改歸向神,接受主耶穌,我們裏面就真正得着神,這也就是我們禧年的開始。 7 我們不是父親的雇工,乃是享受祂的眾子,我們能一直享受神作我們的產業,從現今直到永遠。 【週 四】 肆 我們需要享受基督作新約禧年之自由與祝福的實際—路四18~19: 一 我們要享受基督作禧年的實際,就需要天天花時間在主面前,聽祂的話並被祂灌注;我們需要跟隨馬利亞的榜樣,在主腳前坐着聽祂的話—十39: 1 馬利亞是坐在『主耶穌』的腳前,不是在別人的腳前;她親近主;時時刻刻來到主面前,愛主,敬拜主,不住地與主交通,留在與主的同在中—沒有一個辦法能趕得上這一個。 2 馬利亞是坐在主的『腳前』,意思是她把自己擺在一個謙卑的地位上,好領受主作恩典(彼前五5);謙卑並非小看自己,乃是不看自己,沒有自己,看自己等於零。 3 她是『坐』着;安靜在主面前常是屬靈能力的來源(賽三十15上);人常被眼睛和心思帶到外面的世界去;那些忙亂的人,有流蕩的心思和起伏的思潮,是最不容易得着啟示的。 4 她在那裏『聽主的話』;主所說的話就是靈,就是生命(約六63),好將祂自己分賜給人;她聽主的話,就給主機會將祂自己交通給她,好叫她一直接受主並得着主。 二 神的救恩使我們有真自由;我們的產業是神,我們的自由來自我們對神的享受;人若不享受神,是不會有真自由的;自由就是釋放,就是脫開一切捆綁、一切重擔、一切壓制和一切轄制—八32、36,加五1,林後三17。 【週 五】 三 首先撒但把我們俘擄了,然後他就來住在我們裏面,作我們犯罪的主動者、主使者;結果他就成了我們非法的主人,我們就作了他的俘虜,使我們好事不作,專作犯罪的事—羅七14,約壹五19: 1 人若沒有神,那麼他在神以外所嘗試享受的一切都是狗食、廢物、糞土—腓三7~9,參彼後二22。 2 撒但稱為別西布林(Beelzebul),意『糞堆之王』;這名源自『別西卜』(Beelzebub),意『蒼蠅之王』;撒但專門帶着罪人像蒼蠅一樣喫糞——太十25,十二24、27,王下一2。 3 人人心裏實在都不願意犯罪,結果個個都犯了罪,都身不由己,都成了罪的奴隸—羅七18~23,約八34。 四 保羅在羅馬七章二十四節的迫切呼喊,在八章二節得着回答,那裏說,生命之靈的律在基督耶穌裏釋放了我們,使我們脫離了罪與死的律。 五 我們惟有享受基督作賜生命的靈,纔能得着釋放,纔有真自由;惟有享受神的人能不犯罪,而有真自由,過一個自由、釋放、脫離轄制的生活—約八11~12、24、28、31~36: 1 生命之靈的律釋放我們,使我們脫離罪與死的律;這律就是主自己,祂經過死與復活,成了賜生命的靈—羅八2。 2 如果我們享受主不彀,就在許多事上還會受捆綁;立志沒有用,我們一定要不斷的來到主這裏,喫祂並享受祂—林前一9,啟二7,賽五五1~2。 3 基督作為禧年釋放我們脫離貧窮、被擄、瞎眼和受壓制—傳一2、14,三11,腓三8,彼後二22,路十二21,啟三17。 【週 六】 六 禧年的生活乃是享受基督的生活,就是享受神作我們的基業和真自由的生活—徒二六18,約八36: 1 禧年的生活,就是我們在任何情況中都取用神自己,取用基督自己的生活;如此,祂就在我們裏面作主因、作中心,帶領我們克服人生一切的困擾—六16~21,西一17下、18下。 2 因着一切都在祂的主宰之下,所以我們應該禱告說,『主阿,求你充滿我,得着我,佔有我;不管外面情況如何,我就是要享受你』;我們需要成為今日的執事和見證人,活出並宣揚福音—基督是恩典的禧年—以完成神永遠的經綸—徒二六16~19。 Week Five Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the New Testament Jubilee Scripture Reading: Lev. 25:8-17; Isa. 61:1-3; Luke 4:16-22; Acts 26:16-19 § Day 1 I. The year of jubilee in Leviticus 25:8-17 is recorded as a prophecy in Isaiah 61:1-3 and is fulfilled in reality in Luke 4:16-22: A. In the year of jubilee there were two main blessings: the returning of every man to his lost possession and the liberation from slavery—Lev. 25:8-17: 1. In the year of jubilee everyone who had sold his possession, his allotted portion of the good land, was returned to it without paying anything to redeem it (vv. 10, 13, 28), and everyone who had sold himself into slavery regained his freedom and returned to his family (vv. 39-41). 2. Returning to ones possession and being freed and returning to ones family signify that in the New Testament jubilee the believers have returned to God as their lost divine possession, have been released from all bondage, and have returned to the church as their divine family—Eph. 1:13-14; John 8:32, 36; cf. Psa. 68:5-6. B. In the Old Testament type the jubilee lasted for one year, but in the fulfillment it refers to the entire New Testament age, the age of grace, as the time when God accepts the returned captives of sin (Isa. 49:8; Luke 15:17-24; 2 Cor. 6:2) and when those oppressed under the bondage of sin enjoy the release of Gods salvation (Rom. 7:14—8:2). C. The believers enjoyment of the jubilee in the age of grace (their enjoyment of Christ as Gods grace to them) will issue in the full enjoyment of the jubilee in the millennium and in the fullest enjoyment in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth—John 1:16-17; Rom. 5:17; Phil. 3:14; Rev. 22:1-2a. § Day 2 II. The year of jubilee is the age of Christ as grace dispensed into us for our enjoyment by His words of grace; the New Testament jubilee is an age of ecstasy for our salvation— Luke 4:22; Psa. 45:2; John 1:14-17; 2 Cor. 6:2: A. The New Testament age is an age of ecstasy, and a Christian is a person in ecstasy; if we have never been in ecstasy before God, this shows that we do not have a sufficient enjoyment of God—5:13; Acts 11:5; 22:17; Psa. 43:4a; 51:12; 1 Pet. 1:8; Isa. 12:3-6. B. Jubilee means having no worry or anxiety, no concern or care, no lack or shortage, no sickness or calamity, and no problems whatsoever but, rather, having all benefits; hence, all things are pleasant and satisfying to our heart, and we are free from anxiety, at ease, excited, and exultant— Psa. 103:1-5; 116:1-7, 12-13, 17-19. C. We must receive the Lord Jesus as the real jubilee in us; if we have Him, we have God as our possession and can be delivered from the bondage of sin and Satan to have real freedom and rest—Acts 26:18; Eph. 1:13-14; Col. 1:12; Matt. 11:28; John 8:32, 36: 1. When we receive Christ as our Savior and life, He comes into us to be our jubilee, but unless we allow Him to live in us and unless we live by Him, we are not practically living in the jubilee—Lev. 25:11-12. 2. If our heart is set on any person, thing, or matter other than the Lord, this is idolatry, and the end is wretchedness—1 John 5:21; cf. Ezek. 14:3, 5; 6:9. 3. If we allow Christ to live in us and we live by Him, everything is to our satisfaction; otherwise, everything is a problem, and nothing is a jubilee. D. Everything can be satisfying to us only after we have gained the allinclusive Christ as our enjoyment; it is not outward persons, matters, or things but Christ within us who enables us to be calm and free of worries as we face all kinds of situations—Phil. 3:8-9; 4:5-8, 11-13. § Day 3 III. The proclamation of the jubilee in Luke 4 governs the central thought of the whole Gospel of Luke, and the parables of the good Samaritan in Luke 10 and the prodigal son in Luke 15 are excellent illustrations of the jubilee: A. The Man-Savior presented in the parable of the good Samaritan signifies the expression of His divine attributes with His human virtues—10:25-37: 1. The Man-Savior, in His lost-one-seeking and sinner-saving ministry journey (19:10), came down to the place where the wounded victim of the Judaistic robbers lay in his miserable and dying condition. 2. When the Man-Savior saw him, He was moved with compassion in His humanity with His divinity and rendered him tender healing and saving care, fully meeting his urgent need—10:33-35. B. The Man-Savior presented in the parable of the prodigal son shows His shepherding, seeking, and saving Spirit with the Fathers loving, forgiving, and compassionate heart—15:11-32; cf. 9:55-56: 1. One day the prodigal son returned to his possession and his fathers house; that was a jubilee, a liberation, and everything became pleasant and satisfying—15:20, 24; cf. Lev. 25:10-12. 2. To be saved is to return to our inheritance, to return to God, to come back to God and enjoy Him anew as our possession (Eph. 1:13-14); to be saved is to gain God; when we have God, we have everything; without God, we have nothing (Col. 1:12). 3. God has become our blessed portion in Christ, but many Christians are unhappy and are like lights that do not shine, because they do not "turn on the switch" by taking God as their portion—Eph. 4:18; Phil. 2:12-16. 4. The fathers acceptance of the son and the sons returning to his father and his fathers house were the year of jubilee to the son, the year of grace—Luke 15:20. 5. God in Christ has become the fattened calf for the enjoyment of the repentant and returned prodigal sons—v. 23. 6. This corresponds to Leviticus 25:11-12, which says that the people were neither to sow nor reap in the year of the jubilee but only to eat and enjoy; once we repent and return to God by receiving the Lord Jesus, we obtain God within, and this is the beginning of our jubilee. 7. We are not the Fathers hired servants but His enjoying sons, and we can continually enjoy God as our possession from now unto eternity. § Day 4 IV. We need to enjoy Christ as the reality of the freedoms and blessings of the New Testament jubilee—Luke 4:18-19: A. In order to enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee, we need to spend time with the Lord day by day to listen to His word and be infused with Him; we need to follow the pattern of Mary, who sat at the Lords feet and was listening to His word—10:39: 1. She was at the feet of the Lord Jesus and not at the feet of anyone else; she was drawing near to the Lord; no method is better than coming to Him moment by moment, loving Him, worshipping Him, unceasingly fellowshipping with Him, and remaining in His presence. 2. She sat at the feet of the Lord, meaning that she put herself in a humble position in order to receive the Lord as grace (1 Pet. 5:5); humility is not belittling ourselves; humility is ignoring ourselves, negating ourselves, and considering ourselves as nothing. 3. She was sitting down; quietness before the Lord is often the source of spiritual strength (Isa. 30:15a); mans eyes and thoughts often are distracted to the outside world; those who are busy with a wandering mind and vacillating thoughts cannot receive revelation easily. 4. She was listening to the Lords word; the words that the Lord speaks are spirit and life (John 6:63) in order to dispense Himself into men; her listening to the Lords word afforded the Lord the opportunity to communicate Himself to her so that she would continually receive the Lord and gain Him. B. Gods salvation causes us to have real freedom; our possession is God, and our freedom comes from our enjoyment of God; if man does not enjoy God, he cannot have real freedom; freedom means release, to be freed from all bondage, all heavy burden, all oppression, and all enslavement—8:32, 36; Gal. 5:1; 2 Cor. 3:17. § Day 5 C. First, Satan captured us; then he came to dwell in us as the inciter, the instigator, of our sins; the result is that he has become our illegal master, and we have become his captives to the extent that we are unable to do good and can only commit sins—Rom. 7:14; 1 John 5:19: 1. If a man does not have God, whatever he tries to enjoy apart from God is dog food, refuse, and dung—Phil. 3:7-9; cf. 2 Pet. 2:22. 2. Satan is called Beelzebul, which means "the lord of the dunghill," from Beelzebub, meaning "the lord of flies"; Satan specializes in leading sinners like flies to feed on dung—Matt. 10:25; 12:24, 27; 2 Kings 1:2. 3. Although deep in his heart no one wants to sin, eventually everyone sins; no one has control over himself, and everyone has become a slave of sin—Rom. 7:18-23; John 8:34. D. Pauls desperate cry in Romans 7:24 is answered in Romans 8:2, which says that the law of the Spirit of life frees us in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death. E. We can be released and have real freedom only by enjoying Christ as the life-giving Spirit; only those who enjoy God do not commit sin and are really free, living a life of liberty, release, and freedom from bondage— John 8:11-12, 24, 28, 31-36: 1. The law of the Spirit of life releases us from the law of sin and of death; this law is the Lord Himself, who passed through death and resurrection to become the life-giving Spirit—Rom. 8:2. 2. If we do not enjoy the Lord sufficiently, we will still be in bondage to many things; making up our mind will not work; we must continually come to the Lord to eat and enjoy Him—1 Cor. 1:9; Rev. 2:7; Isa. 55:1-2. 3. Christ as the jubilee frees us from our poverty, captivity, blindness, and oppression—Eccl. 1:2, 14; 3:11; Phil. 3:8; 2 Pet. 2:22; Luke 12:21; Rev. 3:17. § Day 6 F. The living of the jubilee is a living in the enjoyment of Christ, a living of enjoying God as our inheritance and real freedom—Acts 26:18; John 8:36: 1. The living of the jubilee is a life in which we take God Himself, Christ Himself, in every situation; then He becomes the primary factor and center in us to overrule all the troubles of human life—6:16-21; Col. 1:17b, 18b; Phil. 4:6-7, 11-12. 2. Because everything is under His sovereignty, we should pray, "Lord, fill me, gain me, and possess me; no matter what my outward situation is, I just want to enjoy You"; we need to be todays ministers and witnesses by living and proclaiming the gospel—Christ as the jubilee of grace—for the accomplishing of Gods eternal economy—Acts 26:16-19. |
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