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1 背叛乃是否認神的權柄,也是拒絕神的管治:

a 撒但原是神所造的天使長,但由於他的驕傲,他高舉自己、干犯神的主宰、背叛神,就成了神的對頭,建立他自己的國賽十四12~14,結二八2~19,太十二26

b 當人犯罪時,就背叛神,否認神的權柄,並拒絕神的管治;在巴別那裏,人集體背叛神,要從地上廢除神的權柄創三1~6,十一1~9

2 雖然撒但背叛神的權柄,人也背叛神而干犯神的權柄,神卻不讓這個背叛繼續下去,祂要在地上建立祂的國啟十一15



1 神的國乃是神能運用祂的權柄,以成就祂的計畫的神聖範圍太六1033,路十二32,西一13

2 主耶穌是神成為肉體,來建立神的國,就是建立一個範圍,使神能在其中運用祂的權柄,以完成祂的定旨約一114,三35,十八36

a 主耶穌為着建立神的國,作為得勝的人站住,擊敗撒但並抵擋一切艱難、反對和攻擊可一13,太四1~11

b 主耶穌傳國度的福音,使背叛的罪人悔改、得救、合格且被裝備,好進入神的國可一14~15,太四17

c 主捆綁那壯者撒但,並進入他的家裏洗劫他的傢俱,好為着神的國,藉着重生,把罪人帶進神的家可三27,弗二19

d 主靠着神的靈趕鬼,就是毀壞撒但的國並帶進神的國太十二28



1 撒但有一個國,就是黑暗的權勢,抵擋神的國太十二26,徒二六18

a 鬼屬於撒但的國,也為着他的國附在人身上可一23~27,五2~20,七25~30,九17~27,十六9

b 撒但是這世界的王和空中掌權者的首領;他有他的使者,這些使者是他的從屬,就是那些執政的、掌權的和管轄這黑暗世界的約十二31,弗二2,六12

2 馬可四章二十六至二十九節是關於神國的話,五章一至二十節是記載神國的實證,這二者之間有四章三十五至四十一節海上的風暴這件事:

a 空中墮落的天使和水中的鬼,合力阻止主耶穌渡到對岸,因為他們曉得祂要去趕出那邊的鬼1~20

b 主斥責風,又命令海安靜,因為在幕後的乃是背叛的天使和鬼。

c 主斥責風,並向海說話以後,風就止住,大大的平靜了,因為邪惡天使和鬼的背叛被國度的能力征服了39





1 主在一節裏關於神的國帶着能力來臨的話,藉着祂在山上的變化形像得着應驗—2~3節。

2 主耶穌的變化形像,照耀,乃是祂在祂國裏的來臨;祂的變化形像在那裏,國度的來臨也在那裏太十六28~十七13,路九27~36

3 主耶穌的變化形像乃是祂所是的實化。

4 國度乃是主耶穌之實際的照耀;在祂的照耀之下,就是在國度裏啟二二4~5


1 在馬可九章,我們看見基督作為馬可四章所撒之種子的變化形像。

2 我們所接受作為神國種子的這一位,需要在我們裏面長大,直到祂從我們裏面開出花來;這樣的開花就是主在我們裏面實際的、經歷上的變化形像西一27

3 當基督在我們裏面變化形像時,這樣的變化形像就成了神的國,管治我們生活中的每一件事—13節。


4 召會作為神的國,無法存在於天然的生命,只能存在於變化形像的範圍裏羅十四17

5 我們若是為了主的緣故,甘願喪失我們的魂生命,我們就會在召會生活中經歷顯着的變化形像;這變化形像將是真正的復興可八35~38,太十六25~27







Week Four

The Kingdom as the Subduing of Rebellion and as the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus

Scripture Reading: Mark 4:35-41; 9:1-13; Matt. 13:43a

§ Day 1

I. The kingdom of God is the power to subdue rebellion—Mark 4:35-41:

A. There are two great principles in the universe—Gods authority and Satans rebellion; the unique controversy between God and Satan concerns authority and rebellion—Acts 26:18; Col. 1:13:

1. Rebellion is the denial of Gods authority and the rejection of Gods rule:

a. Satan was originally an archangel created by God, but due to his pride he uplifted himself, violated Gods sovereignty, rebelled against God, became Gods adversary, and established his own kingdom—Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28:2-19; Matt. 12:26.

b. When man sinned, he rebelled against God, denied Gods authority, and rejected Gods rule; at Babel men rebelled collectively against God to abolish Gods authority from the earth—Gen. 3:1-6; 11:1-9.

2. Although Satan rebelled against Gods authority and although man violates His authority by rebelling against Him, God will not let this rebellion continue; He will establish His kingdom on the earth—Rev. 11:15.

§ Day 2

B. The Lord Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God for the fulfillment of Gods eternal purpose—Mark 1:14-15:

1. The kingdom of God is a divine realm where God can exercise His authority to work out His plan—Matt. 6:10, 33; Luke 12:32; Col. 1:13.

2. As God incarnated, the Lord Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God—to establish a realm in which God can carry out His purpose through the exercise of His authority—John 1:1, 14; 3:3, 5; 18:36:

a. To establish the kingdom of God, the Lord Jesus stood as a victorious man, defeating Satan and withstanding all hardship, opposition, and attack—Mark 1:13; Matt. 4:1-11.

b. The Lord Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom so that rebellious sinners might repent and be saved, qualified, and equipped to enter into the kingdom of God—Mark 1:14-15; Matt. 4:17.

c. The Lord bound Satan, the strong man, and entered into his house to plunder his goods so that sinners might be brought into the house of God through regeneration for the kingdom of God—Mark 3:27; Eph. 2:19.

d. As the Lord cast out demons by the Spirit of God, He was destroying Satans kingdom and bringing in the kingdom of God—Matt. 12:28.

§ Day 3

C. The record in Mark 4:35-41 is a picture of rebellion and of the kingdom of God as the power to subdue rebellion:

1. Satan has a kingdom, the authority of darkness, which is against the kingdom of God—Matt. 12:26; Acts 26:18:

a. The demons belong to Satans kingdom and possess people for his kingdom—Mark 1:23-27; 5:2-20; 7:25-30; 9:17-27; 16:9.

b. Satan is the ruler of the world and of the authority of the air; he has his angels, who are his subordinates as rulers, authorities, and world-rulers of the darkness of this world—John 12:31; Eph. 2:2; 6:12.

2. Between the word concerning the kingdom of God in Mark 4:26-29 and the record of the demonstration of the kingdom of God in 5:1-20, there is the incident of the stormy sea in 4:35-41:

a. The fallen angels in the air and the demons in the water collaborated to frustrate the Lord Jesus from going to the other side of the sea because they knew that He would cast out the demons there—5:1-20.

b. The Lord rebuked the wind and commanded the sea to be silent because of the rebellious angels and demons who were behind the scene.

c. After He rebuked the wind and spoke to the sea, the wind ceased, and there was a great calm, for the rebellion of the evil angels and the demons had been subdued by the power of the kingdom—4:39.

§ Day 4

II. The kingdom of God is the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus—9:1-13:

A. What is described in Mark 9:1-13 is a picture of the kingdom of God coming in power; the center of this picture is the glorified Jesus, and with Him are Moses and Elijah, representing the Old Testament saints, and Peter, James, and John, representing the New Testament saints—vv. 2-4.

B. For the Lord Jesus to be transfigured meant that His humanity was saturated and permeated with His divinity; this transfiguration, which was His glorification, was equal to His coming in His kingdom—v. 2:

1. The Lords word in verse 1 about the coming of the kingdom of God in power was fulfilled by His transfiguration on the mountain—vv. 2-3.

2. The transfiguration, the shining, of the Lord Jesus was His coming in His kingdom; where His transfiguration is, there is the coming of the kingdom— Matt. 16:28—17:13; Luke 9:27-36.

3. The transfiguration of the Lord Jesus was the realization of what He is.

4. The kingdom is the shining of the reality of the Lord Jesus; to be under His shining is to be in the kingdom—Rev. 22:4-5.

C. Christ has been sown into our hearts as a seed; this seed will grow and develop until it blossoms and is manifested in glory—Mark 4:26-29; Col. 3:3-4:

1. In Mark 9 we see the transfiguration of Christ as the seed sown in Mark 4.

2. The One whom we have received as the seed of the kingdom of God needs to grow in us until He blossoms from within us; this blossoming will be the transfiguration of the Lord in us in a practical, experiential way—Col. 1:27.

3. When Christ is transfigured within us, that transfiguration becomes the kingdom of God ruling over everything in our life—v. 13.

§ Day 5

4. The church as the kingdom of God cannot exist in the natural life but can exist only in this realm of transfiguration—Rom. 14:17.

5. If we are willing to lose our soul-life for the Lords sake, we will experience a prevailing transfiguration in the church life; this transfiguration will be a genuine revival—Mark 8:35-38; Matt. 16:25-27.

§ Day 6

III. "Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father"—13:43a:

A. At the time of the manifestation of the kingdom, our humanity will be glorified by the glorious divinity within us—Col. 1:27.

B. In one sense, the Lord will come back from heaven, but in another sense, He will come out of us; when He fully lives Himself out of us, that will be the time of His coming—Matt. 16:27; 2 Thes. 1:10; Col. 1:27; 3:4.

C. At the time of the full manifestation of the kingdom, we will fully enter into glory—Rom. 8:18, 21; Heb. 2:10; Phil. 3:21.

D. In the millennium the overcoming believers will be with Christ in the bright glory of the kingdom, whereas the defeated Christians will suffer discipline in the outer darkness—Matt. 13:43a; 8:12.

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