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太四16  那坐在黑暗中的百姓,看見了大光;並且向那些坐在死亡的境域和陰影中的人,有光出現,照着他們。

約八12  於是耶穌又對眾人講論說,我是世界的光,跟從我的,就絕不在黑暗裏行,必要得着生命的光。







WEEK 1 — DAY 1


Morning Nourishment

Matt. 4:16 “The people sitting in darkness have seen a great light; and to those sitting in the region and shadow of death, to them light has risen.”

John 8:12 Again therefore Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall by no means walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Matthew 4:16 indicates that we may experience and enjoy Christ as the great light rising to those sitting in the region and shadow of death and shining over the people sitting in darkness…This light is actually Christ Himself as the light of life (John 8:12) shining in the shadow of death. In

Matthew 4:16 the Lord Jesus made no display of power or authority. Rather, He walked on the seashore as a common person. But when He contacted people by the Sea of Galilee, He shined upon them like a great light shining in the darkness and in the region and shadow of death.

Wherever Christ comes, light comes also. As a great light, He springs up to those who are sitting in the region and shadow of death…Before we were saved, we all were in that region, a region full of the shadow of death. The shadow of death is darkness, the darkness of Satan. To those sitting in such a darkness, Christ comes not only as light but as the great light. When we called on the name of the Lord Jesus, receiving Him into us, the divine light came into our being. Immediately, we had the sense of something shining within. This kind of shining is the shining of Christ as light. The shining of Christ as light within us is a strong confirmation that we have been born of God to be His children. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 2774-2775)

Today’s Reading

Peter, Andrew, James, and John did not realize that they were in darkness as they were working there by the Sea of Galilee to make a living. They were in the shadow of death. This is a picture of today’s situation. Many Christians met the Lord Jesus at some riverside and were saved. But later, they did not care for that experience; rather, they cared for making a living. Therefore, they went to the Sea of Galilee to earn a living. Without knowing it,…they entered into darkness and into the shadow of death. All those striving to earn a living in the large cities like Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago are in darkness and in the region and shadow of death. Praise the Lord, the new King did not remain in Jerusalem! He came to the Sea of Galilee, and He is
still coming to the Sea of Galilee today, walking about the seashore seeking to catch us. This time He comes not as a little Lamb but as a great light. As Peter and Andrew were casting their nets into the sea, this great light shined upon them. As He stood there shining upon them, He might have said, “Peter and Andrew, what are you doing here? Don’t you remember that I met you by the riverside of the Jordan? Peter, don’t you recall how I changed your name?” That day by the Sea of Galilee a great light was shining upon them.

Our experience was the same as theirs. We were saved at the riverside of the Jordan. But we later forgot what had happened to us and went to the Sea of Galilee to make a living. As we were working there for our living, the One whom we had met as the Lamb of God by the riverside of the Jordan came as a great light to shine upon us. As He was shining upon us, He inquired, “What are you doing here?”…I believe that, in principle, a great many of us have had this kind of experience. You were saved at the riverside by the Lamb of God, but you were called by the Sea of Galilee by the shining of a great light. Although it may be easy to forget about what happened by the riverside, you cannot forget the time the great light shined upon you by the Sea of Galilee. (Life-study of Matthew, 2nd ed., pp. 144-145)

Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 267; Life- study of Matthew, msg. 12

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