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2020/06/27 00:00:59瀏覽1614|回應1|推薦68 | |
很多名畫的主題是真實景物,有些景物未隨時間而改變太多,可以拿後來拍的相片和畫做個對照,我只是好奇,內行人也許可做研究畫家的資料. (一)Claude Monet《Impression, Sunrise》.有人誤以為「Impressionism」畫派始祖Monet自創這個字,其實不然.Monet說這幅畫的標題來自日出給他的朦朧「印象」.當年美術評論家Louis Lerory看了之後非常不屑的說「Impression I was certain of it. I was just telling myself that, since I was impressed, there had to be some impression in it—and what freedom, what ease of workmanship! A preliminary drawing for a wallpaper pattern is more finished than this seascape.」根據畫名戲稱這種風格為「Impressionism」,沒想卻被拿去做正式的畫派名稱.
(二)Claude Monet《Water Lilies 》,這個有小橋流水睡蓮的花園是Monet住家的後院,難怪他畫了許多這類主題的畫.
(三)Paul Cézanne《Monte Sainte-Victoire》,山景看來稀鬆平常,據說景觀因日光的移動一天之內會千變萬化,顯然是Cézanne要捕捉的.
(四)Vincent van Gogh《The Langlois Bridge at Arles》,據說Gogh畫這幅畫時參考了日本浮世繪的風格.
(五)Vincent van Gogh《Starry Night Over the Rhone》,他給弟弟的信裡說:「...The sky is aquamarine, the water is royal blue, the ground is mauve. The town is blue and purple. The gas is yellow and the reflections are russey gold descending down green-bronze...the Great Bear is a sparkling green and pink, whose discrete paleness contrast with the brutal gold of the gas...」很少見畫家這樣仔細的描述色彩的運用.
(六)Vincent van Gogh《Cafe Terrace at Night》,相片裡的露天咖啡座生意興隆是否拜van Gogh之賜?
(七)Vincent van Gogh《The Church at Auvers》,他畫了這幅畫後幾個月就自殺了,扭曲的線條是否預兆?
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