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Numb3rs 原創者透露未來劇本走向
2007/05/08 19:03:53瀏覽208|回應0|推薦0

這些是今天原創者之一的Nicolas最新發表的Season finale劇照



躺在床上的就是Season finale的關鍵人物─天才炸彈客Ashby



Back when we were getting ready to write the episode "Convergence," Cheryl and I knew we wanted Charlie to be troubled by the fact that he hadn't embarked on a serious project for a while ... that so much of his time had been devoted toward helping his brother and the FBI solve crimes. We wanted Charlie to embark on a new, cutting-edge mathematical theory. One that we could refer to down the line as we continued the series.

My initial idea was that Charlie was seeking a mathematical explanation for the recurrence of specific types of shapes that appear on micro and macro levels of nature: branching, spirals, etc.

When I ventured this possible theory to Professor Keith Devlin, he came back instead with the suggestion of Cognitive Emergence ... which is an emerging field of study and one that Keith was very excited by.

So ... Andy Black did the research, Cheryl and I did the writing, and Cognitive Emergence made its way into the episode and series.

Though ... I'm still not completely giving up on the "math of shapes." Not yet, anyway



Here's an anti-teaser ... Liz doesn't get into danger.

Yes, Cheryl and I wrote the episode ... and I don't think anyone is going to be disappointed.

If you like Don and the shrink ... you'll  love Don and Charlie and the shrink.

Possibly one of the best scenes between David and Rob since the koi pond in Uncertainty Principle or the ending of Counterfeit Reality. My unbiased opinion, but there it is.

I wouldn't miss it.

I didn't steer you wrong with One Hourdid I?

This time we have a Nick/Cheryl script directed Stephen Gyllenhall (Guns & Roses, The Mole). Which means there's a plenty of action and twists ... a
LOT of character ... and amazing performances.


Shoot a character? Puh-lease.

No ... for the season finale ... we're doing something much darker.

You guys are on the right track considering Dwayne Carter and Janus, the two-faced god. But there's so much more ... so so much more to the darkness.

Money For Nothingis the emotional finale to the old Don and Charlie relationship. And it's big. Fireworks big.

The Janus List is the beginning of the new Don and Charlie relationship ... one that they'll desperately need to survive in a strange new world that starts to crumble around them.

But in the end ... I still think the best teaser is a good photo ...

And no, those aren't stunt men.

And yeah, Charlie will be in mortal danger ... but this time there won't be a single FBI member to help him

還記得Charlie曾於S2E7:Convergence棋逢敵手對上以前大學同學Marshall Penfield時(演他大學同學的那男演員可是Tom Hanks的兒子Colin Hanks喔~人家也是職業演員)突然感到自己老是專注在幫老哥解決案件,荒廢研究許久,此後Charlie突發靈感著手於神經認知理論的研究(Cognitive Emergence )可別以為只是提提以展現Charlie著手自己研究的決心而已喔!原創者Cheryl Heuton &Nicolas Falacci這對夫妻親自寫的這集劇本只是開端,今天討論區發表的文章有提及這點,Charlie的神經認知理論(Cognitive Emergence )已獲得認知領域的教授支持,目前仍在構思雛型,再由原創者們撰寫於劇本中,可不是擺著好看,未來會應用於破案上,第四季以後就會閃亮登場了!

另外還有個關注的焦點,大家都在關切於Season finale中發生在Charlie的事,之前流言滿天飛,有人說是會差點中槍,有人斥之以鼻,認為Numb3rs編劇群不會再故技重施,要碼是真中槍要不就是陷入危機中,反正一定讓人耳目一新,原創者Nicolas也證實了這點,他回說中槍?不~~~他們在季末要做的是更黑暗的事...關於Carter和Janus的揣測是真的(Janus真是羅馬雙面神名耶~看來另有深意吧!)S3E23是過往Don& Charlie之間情感關係的結束,猛烈情緒會在此集大爆發,而S3E24則是他門兄弟之間新關係的開始.....(直得玩味~~意味兄弟關係又要轉變了~是情感升級吧!)最可怕的是,最後Nicolas透露Charlie會身處重大危機....而且沒有任何FBI幹員在現場幫助他.....天哪!這真是劇情重大的突破哩這劇情會不會下的太猛了~~可憐的Charlie~~~~收視會爆增吧~~~

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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