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Numb3rs Season finale非官方爆料
2007/05/07 19:37:42瀏覽275|回應0|推薦0

幾天下來Numb3rs討論區上有關Season Finale的討論絡繹不絕,原來是有人曾在 TV.com的Numb3rs討論區上爆料,而且是一次貼出 S3E23:Money For Nothing  & S3E24:The Janus List 劇本片段,爆料者聲稱曾看過劇本,將部分關於Epps主角部分劇情貼出,這樣的爆料可謂又嗆又猛!自然引起影迷注目,不論相信與否,光看它貼出的部分對白就已精采可期,若爆料屬實,那Numb3rs Finale定可交出亮眼的收視成績。依我這numb3rs痴看來這爆料內容可信度頗高,和現在新聞釋出的部分情報和網路上劇情大綱十分吻合,甚至可和原創者在討論區不定期貼出的最新劇照相互呼應,以下是爆料者貼出的劇情:

The Janus List(S3E24 Season finale的部分)

-Someone tries to shoot Charlie, and Don gets very angry (slugs someone)

-The "Janus List" refers to a list of individuals involved in spy operations

-Here's a script snippet(某一片斷)

MEGAN: So who ordered you out on that bridge? (off Colby's silence) Something's going on with you, Granger -- David told me how you blew up at Carter --

COLBY: Me and Dwayne is...complicated.

MEGAN: Because he saved your life.

COLBY: Among other things.

MEGAN: Everything seems complicated these days, doesn't it...

Colby nods....and the two fall into a ruminative quiet.


Another script snippet:(另一片段)

In the hospital where Ashby (informant/genius/villian) lies in the hospital bed. He works for the government, from what I could gather and is the one whom Don slugs. Don wanted to arrest him but the State Dept told him not to. Obviously, he was gravely injured. Earlier, he tries to communicate with Charlie using numbers (Charlie watches from the hall, Ashby is in isolation).

ALAN: Now you do sound like Don. (then) But, I'd like to think of it as an act of bravery and nobility...something any Eppes would do.

Charlie studies Ashby...

CHARLIE: I haven't figured out what he was saying to me yet. A mind as brilliant as his deserves to know that he didn't die in vain....that he didn't live in vain.

Amita rushes in.

AMITA: Charlie!

CHARLIE: I'm fine.... I'm fine. ..

Amita hugging and kissing Charlie.....


"Money for Nothing"(S3E23)

After teaser:

In William Bradford's office.

Don sits with Bradford, staring out the window.

DON: I have a stupid question.

BRADFORD: There are no stupid questions in this office.

DON: Okay. How do you know when you're done with someone--like me?

BRADFORD: I am never "done" with people. It's more of a matter of when people are "done" with me.

DON: Okay, yoda.

BRADFORD: We've moved past the Crystal Hoyle thing. I am not going to ding you for field work. You're here because you want to be.

DON: (admitting) Yeah.

BRADFORD: So what do you want to talk about?

DON: You know what, let's just cut right to the chase.

Nothing more, but emotion under the surface.

BRADFORD: You mean.....Charlie.

DON: Yeah.

Scene in the middle:

Don walks with Liz toward the kitchen.

LIZ: The robbers knew about the drugs on the truck. We're thinking maybe they got a tip from the medical supply company. Colby's talking to an LAPD guy who tracks black market drug sales.

DON: Good idea--

They arrive at the kitchen--

LIZ: Don. People have noticed there's something between us. They're talking.

DON: You're on loan to this office, you don't officially work for me.

LIZ: Yeah, like that makes a difference.

DON: You saying you have a problem?

LIZ: I don't want to compromise my career--if in six months you'll be moving on anyway.

DON: You want a guarantee of what I'll be doing in six months?

LIZ: No. Honestly, I don't know what I'll be thinking in six months.

DON: I like what we have. I don't want to lose it.

LIZ: Neither do I. Problem is, rumors and speculation make people think it's a bigger deal than it is, that things aren't on the up and up.

DON: Yeah, I know. What do you want to do--just tell people?

LIZ: Maybe. You ready for that?

Off Don's thoughtful look...

Scene just after that:

CHARLIE: Hey Dad, what's up?

ALAN: I was looking through some old pictures, found one I thought you might want for your office.

(hands him photo)

CHARLIE: You and Don have been talking.

ALAN: He told me his therapist wants you to go to one of his sessions.

Charlie puts the photo on his desk, face down. 

爆料者總算解開我心中之謎,就是對Season finale 標題The Janus list的解釋,我曾查過Janus是羅馬雙面神名(http://www.hkdavc.com/article/v2-channel-4-art25.html ),可實在搞不懂有何含義,原來是指參與間諜活動的名單

 Season Finale~
       有人試圖對Charlie開槍,Don非常生氣並打了那人(想欺負Don的寶貝弟弟,可以想像Don會多火爆....),爆料者擷取其中兩個片段,其一是Colby&Megan(她坐月子一段時日,總算在季末歸隊)兩人的談話,提到Carter( Colby的昔日戰友,兩人乃生死之交,關係非常濃厚,本是反間諜小組成員,在S3E4中參與密謀暗殺前中國領事館工作人員,案子牽扯蠻大的)Megan問Colby誰約他去橋上赴會(符合季末相關新聞提過的:因橋上一名神秘的天才炸彈客,Don、Charlie將發現潛藏的大秘密,而這個秘密將撼動FBI小組,而且是"永遠"的改變FBI小組),Colby說他跟Cater之間很複雜,Megan回:「因為他救過你的命嗎?」,Colby說還有別的原因 ,Megan說:「現今每件事似乎都很複雜,不是嗎?」Colby點頭。

       另一片段才是重點中的重點,一名為政府工作的 Ashby躺在醫院,爆料者推估Don重創的人似乎是他,也就是天才炸彈客,Don要逮補他,但遭政府部門阻止(應該是大綱提及的CIA),這名天才炸彈客受重傷(Don爆走造成的吧~這就是動到寶貝弟弟的下場),Ashby 梢早曾試著與Charlie溝通(好像是用數字,是因為重傷嗎?!),另外還有Charlie和Alan老爹的對話,老爹說Charlie現在做的事聽起來和Don一樣,而我要想想這樣勇敢高尚的舉動..像是任何Epps家的人會做的事(老爹言下之意是自己也....不惶多讓?)然後Charlie研究起Ashby,他無法理解Ashby所言,直言如 Ashby那麼聰明的人不會讓自己白死或白活(指的應該是Ashby犯下這一連串炸彈案該有意義的,非純粹為犯案而做),然後...Amita就衝了進來,Charlie連忙 回說他沒事(連續幾句 I'm fine,很像Charlie該有的語氣)接下來就是男女朋友間的擁抱和接吻啦

S3E23:Money For Nothing是Numb3rs原創者再度親自出馬執筆的劇本,定精采萬分,爆料者分享的三段劇情分別是 Don跟心理醫師(Season3大量登場)、Don和Liz(Don的FBI女友,第三季常出現)、Charlie&Alan老爹的談話。



      Alan老爹看舊照時發現有張可能Charlie會需要的照片,於是拿來給Charlie,Charlie問Don是否曾跟老爹談過?(我猜是 Charlie辦案子時發生的事,老實說Charlie現在越來越暴躁易怒...令人憂心的是在S3E18遇害的是他很要好的女同事,但他表現得似乎不如以往直接,甚至看不出他與死者交情頗深,可以說對謀殺已有些麻木了...)老爸說Don告知他的心理醫生要Charlie去參與療程,然後Charlie將照片朝下放在桌上......

       未播映前劇本或許會小修過,但應大致雷同,我私心希望上述是真的,Charlie的部分真是讓我異常興奮啊~看來Charlie的心理狀態和Colby的過往都會是第四季重點劇情呀~喔~忍不住希望第四季能早日開拍 ,至於備受矚目、成敗關鍵的Season finale現在只能憑情報想像,再忍兩個星期,真相就會大白囉~一起期待吧~~至於爆料的真偽只要台灣時間星期六AM10:00  S3E23播出後就曉得啦!

*圖片皆出於原創者在討論區貼出的Season finale劇照

PS:經S3E23:Money For Nothing播出後證實爆料者洩漏的劇情屬實,真不經懷疑是電視台內部人員或劇組人員洩漏的,能看到劇本的人不多吧!難不成是演員?!

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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