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2022/05/07 18:08:42瀏覽1344|回應0|推薦56
各位好: 前幾天我寫了英文電郵給朋友們,目的是請各位捐款,購買高性能傳話機(walkie talkie),以便在烏克蘭境內運送醫療物資時消息不至於遭到不必要的攔截。 這行動由朋友的朋友Ms. Larysa Snihur發起,她目前仍在基輔附近,且時常在face book上更新訊息,請看:https://www.facebook.com/larisa.snigur.7 (請利用自動翻譯閱讀烏克蘭文)。 https://www.crowdify.net/en/project/help-us-save-people 這網上捐款平台位於蘇黎世,頁面上的booster是指捐款者,goodies是指可以收到的小禮物(大概是以電郵傳發);例:捐20歐元,可以有明信片;捐100歐元,可以得到有關基輔的短片…;當然也可選擇不需要禮物。 捐款後會收到如同收據的電郵通知。 這次戰爭明顯牽涉道德,連長期中立的瑞士也必須表態。 請捐助,也請大家告訴大家。 下面是我給朋友們的英文信: Dear all, This is a cordial call for helping people in need. On witnessing the absurd ongoing war in Ukraine, we have no right to feel vulnerable as facing the much condemned brutality. Ms. Larysa Snihur (apply the translation assistance under the text if not reading Ukrainian), a friend of our acquaintances in Kyiv, launches a crowdfunding project of supplying medical assistance via professional Walkie-Talkie devices (per piece costs around Euro 500-600) which avoid unnecessary interceptions. Please do not regard this as a begging letter, but an opportunity that demonstrates your noble solidarity by clicking the above link. I thank you all! Minju currently in South Taiwan
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