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you give me endless happiness.
2014/10/22 10:37:45瀏覽230|回應0|推薦0

At the beginning wiom infant formula stage 1, I would expect that we will not have a perfect ending, this is fulfilled my guess. The love in the network last period is not long, is not tied to the man in the network. Actually QQ also the deepest hurt, like me every day in the net sea must take up, put down. Remember like to chit chat with you, says the dribs and drabs in life, like your voice, like sounds of nature to me, just want to say to you: don't leave me, really want to accompany you to chat to the glebe's old, until we don't move the mouse. But all this can only stay in my memory most deep place, I think you'll remember me after so many years. For you, I made a mistake in principle, I don't have a good treasure network you over there. I'm looking forward to have the afterlife, this life no afterlife together wiom 2.

Our love was in a hurry walk, in addition to the pain or the pain, I have no way to retreat. I chose to give up, so that I can live more easily. Best wishes to you: I'm not qualified to say love. I only have a little wish; Hope you will be happy forever. Long, long ago, I just passers-by in your network, are you a good dream, although ending is not what I want. More fulfilled what I used to say: the woman, don't fall in love with the man in the space, otherwise you will injured, time is the best for testing practice of truth. Once your eyes strong I already not in your line of sight, because feel your qualifications, may turn into a wisp of dust, quiet looking at you, until the fall to the ground, into the loess, since be raglan, also to laugh at, just leave me at least once you give me endless happiness.

A person to hold the network love, give up should be understood wiom 2 , if you want to have a happy, don't too much to the man in the network request, net to tend to the injured is a woman, deep in the network, we don't get too honest, don't be too warm, this is not false, but avoid being more damage. We don't put the network things seriously, as most of the job of flavouring agent. Learn to give up is the best choice; It would be easier to learn to give up we live; Learn to give up, the tears go instantly turned away; Learn to give up, leave once belonged to our each other the best memories, I believe that many years later you will remember me.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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