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2014/01/10 09:38:09瀏覽273|回應0|推薦0
Recently, I read a story the planted one hundred oak seed every day, is let me shock. This story let me understand: "only don't give up easily, can succeed; always persistence, can succeed!" The profound reason. Work hard every day, to be successful dating

This paper mainly tells the story of a shepherd, shepherd when Justin found a field, there are about 6000 mu, he wants to in the barren hills and the oak tree seed, barren hills into a huge oak, but his wife said. But he didn't give up the dream, every day when the sheep and one hundred oak tree seed, and watering and fertilizing. He stubbornly insist on for 30 years, barren hills had become the oak forest, Justin, therefore, has become a billionaire.

Justin insisted for 30 years, this 30 years uninterrupted. Every day, Justin is all set a small goal for yourself: one hundred oak seed planted on the barren hills and watering and fertilizing. Justin everyday will do as the target, insist on a full 30 years. During this long 30 years, his hard work, effort, persistence, rain or shine, 30 years later, the barren hill into a lush oak groves.

If Justin gave up, the 6000 mu of that space will not become oak groves. Give up is to be without hope; to strive for is to succeed. Every dream is every day a little bit hard sweat. We should not give up every tiny hope, but for this small hope do our best to; We should not give up every tiny plan, but hard to do, is a miracle, cumulative cumulative is a miracle, the cumulative will succeed. We can not wealth, but must have thought, and then do our utmost to act, that is success.

Won't give up if you want to succeed, we must have faith; If you want to study progress, must work hard to learn; If you want to create the miracle, there must be indefatigable perseverance. These are the essentials of success.

Read after the one hundred oak seed planted every day, I understand: can't give up easily to be successful. If you give up, maybe you gave up the birth of a miracle guan yin citta dharma door.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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