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filial piety parents quench thirst
2014/08/25 10:04:44瀏覽212|回應0|推薦0

Sorching summer, upsetting, hot work, is to let people hard to suffer. Whenever the mood be agitated, I wanted to place oneself in the mountain water, enjoy the nature of the cool and refreshing, or sitting under the air conditioning, write some articles in summer fever. However, long time, busy busy busy, it is hard to squeeze the leisure time. To be fair, industrial workers, and so dedicated, enterprises should tengda brilliant!

Today, rest, seldom had the free time, can relax the moodMedicox, the wish for days.

While a cool in the morning, a set of fishing tackle, go to hole mesh river fishing. River water clear, come up to the fish, so the water bubble, there is a fish landing! I hurriedly and hook feeding and expects the harvest of hope.

Calm, river as a mirror, LanTianYing water, white clouds sink, tall handstand, green hangs in consideration of, and public transport, pedestrian... A picture of a summer landscape, along the hole mesh jiang.

Time goes by, the water is changed to the morning, the sun will rise, dew dry, vegetation, buoy is still at the water, motionless.

Someone to take a bath, disrupting the scenery of the river, raucous cicadas, disturb my mood, I have to take up fishing tackle, go home as soon as possible.

Sitting under the air conditioning, have a kind of cool, though less mountain waters cool air permeability, but also enough to beat the Montreal. Making a cup of green tea, taste slowly, leisurely tea reminds me of my childhood hometown, summer morning, little feet on the dew of cool and refreshing, entered the mountain stream, picking pine nuts, eggs, fish, raking out hair, full mountain vegetation, appearing a seductive fragrance, even each the earth, are aggregates of natural fragrance, in the woods to hear the singing of birds beast call, look on small fish swimming in the stream, each place, there are enjoy not over of the cool and refreshing. Home landscape, produce the fresh air and natural oxygen bar, let a person feeling refreshed.

Blowing air conditioning, to taste the tea, suddenly remembered to write some articles, industrial workers, earn their livelihoods from his hands, and men of letters written in ink, life today, just to leisure time, write into history yesterday, write fantasy tomorrow, as for today? The optional exaggeration! Have passion, have ideas, ideas like the pentium in the Yangtze river, the text as the hot sun, with longyou on white paper, more relaxed, comfortable than the words on the paper. Just the tip of the wind, all of a sudden power failure stop wind<Medicox, a small study, a moment a bamboo steamer, fluent, is like the stream dry up. I suddenly understand why xia rhyme so little? Not at their best, it is sweat, the literati eye!

Sweat soaked the paper, the text into a pattern, to elaborate the article by heart, but due to power outages, disappointing! Water is the source of life, electricity is the modern life, now life left the water and electricity, even the earth to a halt.

My childhood was spent in kerosene lamp, when the home is not electricity, in the dark of night, the whole family around a light dim lamps, small eyes at each other, none of the modern fashion. Now every electrification, everybody electronically, with electricity, have great fun, endless enjoyment.

Temperature is higher and higher, the air was burning, I move to the sitting room, see parents shook his cattail leaf fan, four eyes staring at the black screen TV, suddenly have a feeling: before so no electricity, no electricity now does not the day? When I saw the induction cooker, rice cooker, ask again: that's true, today's lunch was not able to burn!

Lunch not landing, sit in two home, I have to go out to buy some fast food, let everyone don't hungry. Walking along the street under the trees beside, as the saying goes: "the cool under the tree." Now among the tree is also very hot, remember when I was a child, in "volts, plus the autumn, waste their dead loach" of the season, I head the midday sun, in the paddy field of hot catch loach, also don't think it is so hot, today's climate has changed, or is the city's air is bad? I think, while search street restaurant. Pedestrian streets, sweating, everyone like a steelworker, only the girl wear short skirt and charming.

Along the way, it was not hot business, shops along the street, coldly silentMedicox, several restaurants, cigar smoke, cooks choked gasp at the door, it seems to buy fast food or play, I have to has back to Shanghai, on the way to meet a handsome young umbrellas sell melon, the almost baby-like aspect, cheap, unlike merchants embodied speculation, so buy two "unicorn", filial piety parents quench thirst.

Just into the house, suddenly listen to wall clock on the wall of "di", calls! Fan turned, TV lit, two old eyes followed lit up. I hurriedly cooks stir-fry, deep fear again with power interference.

After dinner, I continue to write articles sitting under the air conditioning, although a little jam, writing a little touch the ke ke, but summer articles, must not let it drain with sweat.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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