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JNL Tour
2013/09/25 23:17:54瀏覽1491|回應2|推薦1

I had the pleasure of touring northern Italy with JNL Director Chu & his wife, as well as being the tour guide, driver & wheelchair-pusher. We left HK on 4 Sep for Milano.

Then we went to Valle d'Aosta to see Monte Cervino(Matterhorn) -- allegedly the most recognised mountain in Europe, and Monte Bianco(Mont Blanc) -- the highest mountain in Europe.

Followed by 2 UNESCO Heritage sites, a Cultural one of the city of Verona & a Natural one of the Dolomiti. We returned to Malpensa airport on 10 Sep to pick up JNL Chairman Woo, who dictated the dates of this trip to fit his medical conference in Greece.

Earlier this year JNL purchased in HK a ~800sqft apartment called "Riva Bellano A3DR" 120m up on the hillside at Bellano, a village on the east shore of Italy's Lake Como. The main purpose of this trip of JNL's directors was to inspect and enjoy their new acquisition, at which we stayed 5 nights. We toured around the northern half of the lake & made a day trip to Switzerland, more or less around Piz Bernina -- the highest mountain of the eastern Alps.

Courtesy of JNL, lunch with truffle(black & white) at the renowned Ristorante Crotto dei Platani di Brienno, @50 euros per head.

Views of Lake Como from Riva Bellano in twilight and morning. 科莫湖的暮雨、朝雲、晚霞。


上面每張照片可點擊放大,再點擊看原圖,最大逾3600 x 2400。Please click to enlarge the above pics, click a second time will lead to the original pic.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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2013/09/27 15:45
Happy la!
zhangWL(xingwanlilu) 於 2013-10-04 00:22 回覆:
水哥,yes, as always.

JNL Tour
2013/09/26 19:34

What is JNL? Are members allowed to stay in the apartment recently acquired by JNL? If so,How to become a member?