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會考40年聚會 + SJC 140th
2015/11/22 23:01:38瀏覽1506|回應1|推薦2

Well over a year ago, at the occasional gatherings of my classmates, we talked about planning an event to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our taking the HKCEE in 1975. 2015 is the 140thanniversary of our Alma Mater St Joseph's College, a grand Gala evening was scheduled on 14 Nov 2015. We decided to have our events in the same weekend. We owed the happy moments shown below to SO Siu-ming George who organised everything almost single-handedly.

The 1st event was taking nostalgic re-union photos at 7 Kennedy Rd. We were given a 2-hour slot 13:00–15:00 on 14 Nov '15. 45 of us showed up plus one teacher who(later became Prof P L Tang of the PolyU) taught only the Biology class in Lower & Upper 6. This was the most popular among 5 functions held over the weekend.

The background in the 3rd & 5th pic above, which is the building that houses the classroom in the 4th pic was declared a Historic Monument in 2000. About half of our class first enrolled as the last batch of Primary 5 pupils in 1968, and we sat in this 1920 building for the summer class before the then newly built St Joseph's Primary School was inaugurated in Sep '68.

The 2nd event was a 2-hour chartered tram ride round trip between Whitty St & Happy Valley. Some brought along wives & kid.

The 3rd event was the grand SJC 140th Anniversary Gala dinner held at the Grand Hall of the HKCEC attended by some 1,700 alumni & teachers spanning across seven decades, including 28 from our class – the Centennial Class of St Joseph's College.
Unfortunately, a sick drunkard amongst us spoiled our class photo above.

Below left, with my F4E class-master Mr Peter Mak: below right in 1974.

With Bro Patrick who was my F5D Class-master before becoming Principal of SJC.
At $1,875 per head(drinks included & no corkage), the price put some people off, but many who attended agreed it was well organised & a far cry from the dismal flop of the 130th ten years ago. We very much enjoyed the evening, so did the celebrities.

The 4
th event was a 12km round trip hike between
烏蛟騰 & 荔枝窩. 13 of us joined with 3 taking wives & one his son. We saw one of HK's largest camphor trees as well as the very scenic Double Haven 印洲塘 where Prince Charles once stayed 2 days aboard the HMS Britania.

The final function of our 2-day event is a casual dinner, Jacky Ng managed to invite 7 of our contemporary teachers, though one started teaching the lower forms when we were in the higher forms.

It's worth noting that since my first setting foot at SJC in 1968, I have been to the main entrance no more than 5 times, which is only used for ceremonial occasions. We are grateful to Principal Chris Chan for unlocking the gates & doors to let us take our reunion pic there. Many of us noticed for the first time of 2 historic foundation stones placed there. One dating back to 1881, the stone on the left was undated, Pozzoni was HK's Catholic bishop 1905-24.

The 5 in above left have known each other since 1960 when they 1st met at 
寶血幼稚園. With a sample size of 45, there should be about 9 from each class, F1B turned up 14 & F1A
 only 6. Prof Tang gave us a revision class on male anatomy.
Despite the cruel fact that we are fast approaching sixty, we are active or even hyper-active, as can be seen in the pics below & many others in the album, some of us are moving all the time.

Altogether 47 of us turned up at the various functions organised, almost everyone was grinning broadly.One notable exception was Chan Chi-sing, who always put on a bossy solemn look.
In case those who attended the dinner on 15 Nov did not already know, I would like to remind you to join me in thanking George So for subsidizing heavily in that event. The ~$10,000 he collected fell short by at least 20%.

Please click here to the album with over 100 pics Also thanks to Wong Hong-ki for providing 20 pics in the album.

( 在地生活大陸港澳 )
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Heart of Gold 40 years later
2015/11/23 15:52

Nice looking bunch of guys!

Still got the fire within.

Keep it up.