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2014/11/10 08:55:23瀏覽455|回應0|推薦0 | |
為因應《遜咖日記》新書上市,這幾天美國的「iBook」在推特(Twiiter)上舉辦了一個《遜咖日記》 Q&A 大哉問,好多美國的遜咖迷都有一起上線共襄盛舉哦!
“I am ready for my chat with @iBooks! #AskWimpyKid” 我準備好要跟「iBooks」聊聊 #遜咖日記Q&A啦!
“The best thing about being on a tour bus is the snacks. We're fully loaded here. 10 bags of Chips Ahoy alone.” 搭乘觀光巴士最棒的地方就是有零食可以吃,我們會帶很多東西,光是「趣多多」(請見下圖)就有10包。 “The 9th book is my favorite because it's got the best narrative. I usually prioritize jokes over narrative.” 我最喜歡第九集的原因是:他的故事鋪陳敘述是最棒的。畢竟我常常把搞笑的梗看的比鋪陳敘述還重要。 “We had a rabbit, and it got loose in the car. My mom had to grab its hind legs to stop it from getting out a window.” 我們以前有隻兔子,牠在車裡掙脫了,我媽當時為了不讓牠從窗戶跳出去,就只好抓住兔子的後腳阻止牠。 “I've thought about writing a book from Manny's perspective, but it would have to be a wordless graphic novel.” 我一直有在想要寫一本從曼尼視角出發的書,但是那大概會變成沒有字的圖畫小說。 “I read a lot as a kid. Mostly hand-me-down Judy Blume books from my sister.” 我小時候讀很多書,大部分是姊姊看過後給我的Judy Blume(請見下圖)小說。
“I spent about four years trying to remember what it was like to think like a kid. Then I was ready to start writing.” 我花了大約4年去嘗試回想小孩子是怎麼思考的,爾後我才準備好開始寫作。 “We never had a seagull invade our car, but we did have a bushel of live crabs get loose on the floor.” 我們從沒被海鷗入侵車內過,但是曾經有過一蒲式耳(相當於八加侖)的螃蟹逃到車內地板上的經驗。 “I've realized Greg Heffley is a cartoon character, not a literary character. He'll be stuck in middle school forever.” 葛瑞是一個卡通人物,不是文學作品中的角色,因此他將會永遠是個中學生。 “I don't consider myself a novelist or writer. I think of myself as someone who's sneaking cartoons into books.” 我不覺得我自己是個小說家或是作家,我認為我是個把卡通偷偷帶進書本裡的人。 “If I had to spend time with a Wimpy Kid character, I'd go with Uncle Gary.” 如果我要跟《遜咖日記》裡的角色共處的話,我會選擇「嘉瑞叔叔」(出現在《遜咖日記》第5集裡,葛瑞有趣參加他的婚禮哦!)。 “I get my ideas for my books by lying on the couch and putting a blanket over my head. Weird, I know.” 書中的靈感,都是在我躺在沙發上、把一條毛毯蓋在我頭上的時候想到的。很奇怪,我知道。 “A lot of the things that happen in the Wimpy Kid books are super-fictionalized versions of real-life events.” 很多發生在《遜咖日記》裡的事情,都是現實生活發生的事情的「超小說版」。 “Failure to become a newspaper cartoonist was what inspired me to write the Wimpy Kid books.” 在想成為報紙的卡通繪者失敗後,啟發了我動筆寫《遜咖日記》系列書籍。 “I laugh out loud when something inappropriate happens in a serious setting.” 當某件不太合理的事情發生在一個很嚴肅的氣氛的時候,我就會大笑出來。 “@ibooks Thanks to iBooks for hosting the Twitter chat!” 謝謝「iBooks」舉辦這次的推特《遜咖日記》Q&A! 遜咖葛瑞的公路之旅「落難經典畫面」票選一起來玩!
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