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雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 ) 和 靈魂伴侶的差別 (The Twin Flame Reunion )
2008/07/31 21:36:08瀏覽10391|回應3|推薦9

On Angels Wings
Angelica Dorian

Twin Flames and Soulmates

雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )和靈魂伴侶

靈魂伴侶和雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )這兩個彷似是相同的名字。但事實上,它們是完全不一樣的。首先,讓我解釋它們的意義。


雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 ),又名雙生靈,他們之間的愛比靈魂伴侶的關係來得更深。他們分享無條件的愛和一種無法分離的契合。雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 -孿生靈性伴侶 )其實是來自相同的‘一’。如果,你想以‘技術性的’名字來理解的話,它們是來自同一個細胞,它是你的‘另一個自我’,他們只是在鏡子中看到另一個自己而矣。雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )彼此分裂後,就各自於生命旅途中學習所有課題。雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )分享着同一個靈魂和同一個跳動的心,只不過這一切都存在於兩個不同的身體中。如果,他們都在同一時間中來到地球的話,他們就會有好大的機會相遇。當雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )走在一起時,他們會互相幫助對方學習;而且,走在一起直至永恆。那份於雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )中分享的愛,是神聖之愛。

你可能己經非常滿足於一段靈魂伴侶的關係中,這可能就是你在這生命期中要學習的。在你遇到你的雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )之前,你肯定會先遇到你的靈魂伴侶。雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )通常會在大家都在靈性的道途上已達到某程度的準備時才會相認,可是只有神才知道何時是相遇的合適時間。但請相信我,當你遇上此人時,你是肯定會知道的;你會知道在這一生中,這是一些你從未經驗過的,你也會從你的深處中直接地知道這個眼前的人,就是你將會與你終生在一起的人。

你要理解,通常靈魂伴侶只是為你準備好去迎接你的雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )而出現。在過去眾多的靈魂伴侶的關係中,你可能因為受過傷害,而為你自己築起無數圍牆。因為痛苦、憤怒、傷害和恐懼,你寧願不要親密關係。可是,只有當你在沒有注意的情況下,你才會進入一段靈魂伴侶的關係中的。

你也許發現那靈魂伴侶嚴重地傷害了你,這時你需要思考那靈魂伴侶之所以進入你的生命中的原因是什麼呢?只有這樣你才可以學習到你的課題,並且可以進入下一個階段。但是,你需要知道,在這情境之背後是有更高的力量在幫助你找到最終極的快樂。在最初,它可能不會如此,但隨著時間的過去,你會開始看到為何這個人會進入和/或離開你的生命。你需要對更高的力量有信心和信任祂將會為你帶來你已渴望已久的你的雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 ),你很快將會認識你的雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 );而且,你將會開始經歷多個宇宙法則的階段。

當你遇上你的雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )時,你通常都會有一些問題仍需去處理和解決的。這是困難的部份,但仍是看你如何面對,這時忍耐是必要的。

在雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )之間,是在和平中的。他們沒有恐懼和批判,他們對更高的力量有完全的信任和信心,知道這是對他們最好的。他們也完全地向所有憂慮、擔心和懷疑投抗,無論情況是如何,他們信任他們是被照顧和供應的。他們有極大的慈悲和完全地寬恕。簡單來說,他們是非常地快樂的。他們以兩具身體,卻擁有同一個靈魂和跳動的心,於無條件的愛中分享著。


在這試鍊的階段,你們可能會想到,你們是否會發瘋或失去理智呢?在眾多的雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )中,這是十分普遍的。但請留意,一旦你們成功地完成這一階段,你就獲得回報。這是正常的,沒有人可以明白到你們正在經歷著的。我一定要告訴你們,以我自己的個人經驗和我過去所閱讀的數本書,外面有無數的人,他們是與他們的雙生在一起的或是他們時刻地與他們的雙生整合中。所以,要知道你們並不是孤單的。

在試鍊中,有很多問題是基本地會浮現的,就是耐性、忍耐、寬恕、慈悲、信心、信任、希望和相信,而耐性是最大的一個。你們必定要對你與你的雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 -孿生靈性伴侶 )的整合有耐性,這會在神聖的時間中整合的。而你們是無法做任何事,來加速這整合的發生。併圖中的所有部份都會併湊在一起,目的是使你們整合。無論你們是誰,無論在無條件的愛的真实意義中犯了錯,你們也一定要互相地愛。

雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )通常會感到肚臍對下的位置有一種溫暖的感受,基本上哪兒是靈魂所在之處。你們互相可以從這裡送出愛給對方的。我喜歡稱呼這種感受是“愛的波浪”。我這樣稱呼它,是因為它確是這種感受。它的感受是美好的和純淨的。這種愛彷彿你們是從未經驗過的,它是極致的力量!在這之後,你們是被給予無條件的愛。

在雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )之中,有巨大的激情;沒有任何人可以在性方面如此滿足你,和你的雙生會正確地知道怎樣取悅你。


當雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )整合時,他們是在神之下整合為一。雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 )互相看見的方法,就是神和天使們互相看見對方的方法。

( 1 ) 本文轉載自: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!GWBx4YOVBRsaBydcrDOcB0EZ/article?mid=79

( 2 ) 有關 雙生光 ( 雙胞靈 - 孿生靈性伴侶 ) 請參考 http://blog.yam.com/sukuze/article/10713429


The Twin Flame Reunion 

           ---" Two bodies - One soul "
Twin Flames originate from the same essence or soul that was
created by Father/Mother God from the great field of
unconditional love and being. That one essence divided itself
into two equal and opposite halves in order to experience
relationship and form. In the beginning the Twin Flames
remained totally united and existed as a trinitized
_expression of the Divine Source of all that is. But as the
third dimensional experience unfolded they separated into a
system of duality and became two distinct forms, one carrying
the masculine (yang) attributes of the Creator, and the other
the feminine (yin), both in the exact equal and opposite
frequency intonation. Now through a gracious dispensation
granted by the Creator, the Twin Flames from all frequencies
are reuniting again in order to restore the Unity of all
creations and to collapse duality consciousness.
The Twin Flame combination transcends all definitions of
male/female relationships on this planet. Third dimensional
love has traditionally focused our attention and emotions on
another person and originates on a sexual or personality
level, often demanding continual compromise to make the
partnership work. Don't romanticize or idealize the concept
of a Twin Flame. There will be no intimate candlelight
dinners, boxes of chocolates or bouquets of roses expressed.
These things are not its purpose. It exists to reach
completion in order to be of service: planetary, cosmic and
universal. Absolute service to the Divine Plan becomes the
only reality of the Twin Flame. The Twin Flame union becomes a
continual unified field automatically accessing higher
frequencies and since it acts as a bridge to the higher
dimensional frequencies of oneness, it will function as a
single consciousness. It will not be dependent on the talents
or vocations of one partner or the other. It is the unit that
is commissioned for service, not the individual expressions of
the unit.
Before one can meet and unite with their Twin Flame however
there is much conscious work of releasing, healing and
becoming an integrated whole that must first be achieved
within one's self. The heart must be made strong and resilient
through suffering grief, pain and loss as well as by living
through many unified and loving soul mate relationships. This
alone will allow one to face the intensity of being with the
other half of their soul. The Twin Flame love relationship
cannot exist in a codependent or ego-based relationship or
from a perceived 'need' that the other person will make you
whole and complete. Each half must initially balance their
inner male and female energies before they can unite. When one
experiences the powerfully resonant magnetic energy field that
attracts Twin Flames together, with its flow of total and
unconditional love, one's life will never be the same again.
After experiencing a fully conscious reunion the Twin Flame's
spiritual connection becomes a trinity or triad involving the
Divine All That Is with two persons - both connected by their
one soul and connected to God. Thus twin flameship is not
human love: it is Divine love, using two human portals totally
united in love and service.
Many ask, "How can I find my Twin Flame partner?" It is not
required that we look for our Twin Flame or begin searching
the faces of everyone passing on the street. Also it is not
wise to hold any pre-conceived ideas about how Twin Flames
should appear or present themselves. Dating agencies, internet
sites and chat rooms will be of no help to you. When each twin
has achieved the same level of balance and both resonate to
the identical vibration of Christ consciousness, your Twin
Flame will automatically appear. This will occur because your
union with one another is being orchestrated by the Creator.
It will happen because you and your Twin Flame have been
sealed together from the moment of your creation, as you both
share the same soul. Your union will result when the Divine
time is right and you are both ready for the experience.
Interesting synchronicities often pave the way for this
reunion. One of the most intriguing I've experienced has to
do with the numbers 11:11, as I've found these numbers to be
common in Twin Flame soul unions. I met my Twin Flame in my
home on the 21st of August, 2003. In Australia we write the
day first, then the month, followed by the year in 6 digits,
21/08/03. The numerology inherent in this day translates as
2+1+8=11 and 8+3=11. Eleven, a master number, is considered to
be the number of the spiritual messenger. Two 'ones' are
united to form pillars to the heavenly gate - the connection
between yin and yang, female and male. The message of two into
one is the perfect symbol for a Twin Flame. The following
beautiful Twin Flame invocation can also be used to draw you
both together.
If you and your Twin Flame meet while either of you are
already living in a loving relationship or a marriage, it is
unwise to disrupt any present connections. These energies must
first be dismantled and balanced before the Twin Flames can
freely come together. All lessons chosen in one's current
soul contract must be lived out fully with honor and love. You
and your Twin Flame will both honor each other's soul lessons
by growing together through the test of unconditional love.
However one should always continue to work with a Twin Flame
at an energetic level, knowing that as the Earth moves
ultimately into a fifth dimensional alignment, all Twin Flames
will be reunited again in other dimensions. Meeting your Twin
Flame calls on you to grow spiritually, to heal emotionally,
mentally and physically and to look beyond the ego, physical
limitations and age differences. You will both be driven to
become the best and highest manifestation of your soul here on
"It is believed by many that humanity is on the brink of a
quantum leap in consciousness. Enlightened people are
preparing for this in their own ways, realizing that it is
time to awaken to our origins and our potential to take
responsibility for ourselves and for the Earth. We believe
that Twin Flames (Twin Souls) have a special contribution to
make; their coming together in numbers at this time has a
reason at both the individual and planetary level. When Twin
Flames join, they generate a vortex of energy that may be see
as a light in the darkness of society's consciousness. In
completing each other, the whole becomes greater than the sum
of its parts: the two create three and the third is a very
potent force, a force of light and love at an extremely pure
This kind of energy, which partakes of the energy of both
Twins, is different from that of individuals or groups of
people working together. It is the special offering that the
Twins give to each other and expend in their service to
humanity. The image we see is that of a dark auditorium lit by
an increasing number of individual flames. Each flame
represents a conscious and harmonious relationship between
Twin Souls. Eventually as the Twins multiply there will be so
many flames, so much light, and so much energy of that
particular sort on the Planet, that this will act as a
catalyst and will help to bring about the expected
breakthrough in consciousness."
From "Twin Souls: Finding Your True Spiritual Partner," by Dr
Maurie Pressman and Patricia Joudry. Used with permission.
Copyright © Mary Mageau

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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2009/11/17 13:06
Wendy 卯瑜 - 美學生活家(wendybtc) 於 2009-11-18 12:34 回覆:

我去拜訪了..很棒的網站  謝謝 分享.



2009/06/25 14:24
Wendy 卯瑜 - 美學生活家(wendybtc) 於 2009-06-26 09:05 回覆:

Dear Eva,

雙生靈的因緣不是每個人都會遇到的.   但是遇到的時候....妳會知道...妳的靈魂會讓妳知道.   

2009/02/28 23:08
