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2016.12.19. Weekly Gathering - Auction Party before Christmas
2016/12/20 05:38:15瀏覽121|回應0|推薦0

It was quite a successful auction party before Christmas of 2016.

A few remarks are picked and shown herewith:

Amer said: 今天英導社慶耶誕年終拍賣會真是熱鬧滾滾,Heaven 肚皮舞開場,我還臨時被拱上去伴舞,中場由大Jenny 表演山地舞,ㄧ半以上的人都去伴舞。我手工製作的琉金美學的酒瓶和對杯作品以最高價售出,我也標到新社長Andy 夫人親手做的零錢包,大家都標到物超所值的東西,也捐了錢給社團,ㄧ個下午在歡笑聲競標聲和吃了許多美味點心後,心滿意足的結束今天的聚會~

Ben in New York said: It's a pity not being able to join the Christmas party and auction. Many thanks to those photos and videos taken. I wish all of you a merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year!
Heaven: 謝謝今天幫我伴舞的珠珠與花花(Sharow &Amer)
Sophia: What a joyful Christmas atmosphere the ETGBC gathering created ahead of Christmas! We had a lot of fun this afternoon, watching graceful dances,  tasting yummy home-made pie, snacks,  and citrus. In addition, the on-sale was a great success with all the items sold out!


( 在地生活大台北 )
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