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日語歌 英譯..
2009/11/23 16:24:04瀏覽735|回應0|推薦0

已搞過幾篇英譯中Jokes中譯英唐詩,和日譯中歌詞; 最近開始玩點新的東東: 將老掉牙的日語歌裝入英文的新瓶..

藍色譯文by CF, 縁色譯文是MT修正版)

ゴンドラの唄 (The song of Gondola)

いのち短し 恋せよ乙女  朱き唇 褪せぬ間に
熱き血潮の 冷えぬ間に  明日の月日は ないものを
Life is short, my beloved, just like the moment of your red lip fading off.
Life exists between high and low passion only, you may not have it tomorrow. 
Life is short, dear maiden virgin, before your red lip fading away
And before your passionate blood cooling off because there is no day tomorrow 

いのち短し 恋せよ乙女  いざ手をとりて 彼の舟に
いざ燃ゆる頬を 君が頬に  ここには誰れも 来ぬものを
Life is short, my beloved, give me your hand and board my boat.
Look, your red face reflects your passion; there will be no other guy here.
Life is short, dear maiden virgin, so give me your hand to board my boat
And let my glowing cheek close to yours because there is no one here to come

いのち短し 恋せよ乙女  黒髪の色 褪せぬ間に
心のほのお 消えぬ間に  今日はふたたび 来ぬものを
Life is short, my beloved, just like the moment of your black hair fading off.
Before the passion burning you out, let’s do it one more time today.
Life is short, dear maiden virgin, before your black hair fading away
And before flame of your heart dying away because there is no today to come again

船頭小唄 (The song of the Boatman)

おれは河原の 枯れすすき  同じお前も 枯れすすき
どうせ二人は この世では  花の咲かない 枯れすすき
I am a withered reed on the riverbed; you are a withered reed, too.
Anyway, both of us could never blossom in this world.     

死ぬも生きるも ねえお前  水の流れに 何変ろ
己もお前も 利根川の  船の船頭で 暮らそうよ
It matters death or living, my dear, the water is still streaming.
You and I shall live together as the boatmen floating on Goodroot River.
It does not matter death or living, my dear, the water is still streaming.
You and I shall live together as the boatmen floating on Tone River.

枯れた真菰に 照らしてる  潮来出島の お月さん
わたしゃこれから 利根川の  船の船頭で 暮らすのよ
The tide is in now, while the moon is shining on the withered wild rice
I shall live a life as the boatmen floating on Goodroot River from now on.   

なぜに冷たい 吹く風が  枯れた芒の 二人ゆえ
熱い涙の 出た時は  汲んでお呉れよ お月さん
Why is the wind so cold that makes the reeds withered?
When my hot tear is running; please, Ms. Moon, do save it.
Why does the wind blow so coldly to two of us like withered reeds?
Since wind blows so coldly, the hot tear pours from the eyes.

(Note: Tone River is the actual river in Kanto District (Gunma-Chiba Prefecture). 潮来出島 is the actual name of the place as well.)

前兩首都是與船有關系的情歌(都是阿祖級的..1910年代).. 換個口味.. 來點風花雪月外的星星.. 很意外MT給的評語是”Perfect indeed”.. 太賊了.. 竟然懶得幫我修改..

見上げてごらん夜の星を 小さな星の小さな光が ささやかな幸せを歌ってる
Look up, there are stars in the night sky! The small stars are twinkling with little lights; they are singing quietly the song of happiness.   

見上げてごらん夜の星を ぼくらのように名もない星が ささやかな幸せを祈ってる
Look up, there are stars in the night sky! Similar with us, they are kind of nobodies; they are praying quietly for the happiness.

手をつなごう ぼくと 追いかけよう 夢を 二人なら苦しくなんかないさ
Take my hand and join me to pursue the dream! Nothing would be hard or unhappy only can we have each other.

Never heard this song before, but I am fond of Sakamoto’s another song “上を向いて歩こう” very much. I once translated it into Chinese when I was alone in some beach of East Malaysia during Chinese New Year Holidays of 2008. Felt so bitter then. 


知らない町を歩いてみたい どこか遠くへ行きたい 
I intend wondering on the strange street, I desire going somewhere far away. 
I want to wonder in the street on the unknown town I desire going somewhere far away

知らない海を眺めてみたい どこか遠くへ行きたい 
I intend overlooking the strange sea, I desire going somewhere far away.
Want to look over the unknown sea,

遠い街 遠い海 夢はるか 一人旅 
The distant street, the distant sea, where my dream is. I shall travel there alone.   

愛する人と 巡り逢いたい どこか遠くへ行きたい 
I hope to bump into someone I love, I desire going somewhere far away. 
Hoping to encounter to meet someone I adore, I desire going somewhere far away

愛し合い 信じ合い いつの日か 幸せを 
To feel love and to feel sure, when my dream of happiness will come true? 
To reassure love and trust each other, when two of us gain the happiness some day
愛する人と 巡り逢いたい どこか遠くへ行きたい.

(Note: 對於知らない一詞的英譯, MT認為unknown比較合適, 但我以為unknown是不為人知.. strange是不為我所知悉的意思..)

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